Chapter Eight

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The next morning was Sunday, and as usual Kota was woken up by his mother banging on his door. "Rise and shine, up and at 'em!" she called out cheerfully, flinging the door open. "This is the day that the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!"

Kota groaned, rolling over onto his back. "I'll rejoice and be glad after I get more sleep."

"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man. Proverbs six, ten and eleven," she quoted happily, walking over to open the curtains over his windows.

He squinted in the sudden bright light, rubbing his eyes. "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalms four eight."

Mom laughed lightly. "C'mon, you got just enough time to shower, dress, and eat before it's time to leave for church."

"I showered last night!"

"Then there's no reason why you shouldn't be ready to go on time." Mom gave him a bright smile before waltzing out of his room.

Kota exhaled wearily, then forced himself to get up. After dressing and heading downstairs he found Dad in front of the mirror in the hallway, adjusting his bolo tie. Pops had one foot up on the couch arm as he buffed his fancy brass-tipped boots. Both men wore embroidered western dress suits similar to Kota's.

"Better not let Mom catch ya with your feet on her couch, Pops."

Pops grunted. "It's my house. I'll buff my boots wherever I doggone please."

"Get those things off my couch." Mom breezed through and gave Pops' leg a light whack on her way to the kitchen.

Kota chuckled as his grandfather scowled but removed his foot. Pops shot him a glare. "What you laughin' at, boy?"

Darcy came flying down the stairs in her little yellow dress, squealing. "I don't wanna wear my hair in pony tails!"

Silas was hot on her tail, brush in hand. "Come back here, young lady!"

"I don't want pony tails!" His niece darted around the furniture, giggling as her father tried in vain to catch her.

"Kota, will you grab her please?!"

Kota looked around the living room, pretending not to realize Darcy had ducked behind him. "Grab who? I don't see anybody."

Darcy giggled again and took off for the kitchen.

Silas looked annoyed as he strode after her. "Not funny."

Kota smirked and was about to follow them when he saw Maryellen assisting Diana down the stairs. Diana looked less than pleased about her outfit; a long white skirt with a bright yellow lacy blouse. Her black hair hung down her back mixed with a few dainty braids, and she seemed to have on light makeup.

"Morning," he greeted them, trying not to let his gaze linger on Diana. If she'd been beautiful before, now she was stunning.

Maryellen walked by with a loud yawn, heading toward the kitchen. "That it is."

Diana did not follow her. Kota waited until the living room was empty, then asked quietly, "You good?"

Leaning against her crutches, she opened a notebook she'd been clutching and wrote something in it, then held it up for him to read.

What the hell is going on?

Kota chuckled, at her confusion as well as at himself for not having thought to communicate through writing. "Sorry. Um, everyone's getting ready for church. We go every Sunday . . . Maryellen didn't tell you?"

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