• Have My Babies! •

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{ e l e v e n }

Jaime and I found mike, and we decided to just split up and have fun before they found us. It was every man for himself.

It had been half an hour since I caught Tony, and I haven't seen him or any of the other guys since, that's why I'm so paranoid.

He's just going to pop out from somewhere, I know it.

I carried on walking, I had put my shorts back on earlier so I was wearing them with my bikini top.

"THERE!" I heard Vic yell. I turned and saw vic and Tony both running towards me, but from a distance.

I squealed and quickly turned a corner, I ran past 2 pools, a small slide and I ended up going towards changing huts. Perfect.

I ran until I got to about the 5th one and made sure it was empty before pulling the curtain back and slamming myself inside.

There was a small bench and a mirror in the tiny space. I pulled the curtain back and took deep breathes to steady my breathing.

"She did come around here right?" I heard Vic say. I held my breathe a little so it was quieter, but I could still breathe.

"Maybe she's in a hut" I could tell Tony would be shrugging while saying this. And guess what? I also know Vic would roll his eyes back at him.

Damn I know these people too well.

"I'm not just going to pull back 50 curtains and see if she's in one of them. People change in here Tony" vic replied.

"Then let's split up, I'll stay here, she's obviously in one of these, and you go find Mike and Jaime"

"Just don't do anything stupid" vic replied, and I heard his footsteps descend. That's how close they were to the hut I was in.

"It's funny because you think I don't know where you are Lydia" Tony whispered. He was literally right outside the hut I was in.

Maybe he's bluffing?

Well that thought just went down the drain. He ripped the curtain open and I screamed, like...really loud.

He stepped closer to me and I pressed my back against the wall. One step closer...

He stepped so we were chest to chest and closed the curtain behind him. Well we had to be chest to chest to even fit in this space.

"Found you" and with that, his lips were on mine roughly, pressing me further into the wall.

He slightly pulled back, breatheless, and put his head in the crook of my neck. I leant my head on his trying to get my breathing back to normal.

We stood there in silence, well apart from the breathing thing, but I don't think that counts...does it count?

I don't know. Well this will annoy me for a while.

"Hey Tony? Does it count as silence if you can hear breathing?" I asked, my voice showed how curious I was.

"Uh...I guess not?" Tony laughed at my stupid expression.

"TONY!" I heard vic calling from outside the hut. I felt Tony tense and we both stopped talking.

I put a finger to my lips and Tony nodded. Now it's silent.

We both stared at each other, until he slowly leaned in, gently pressing his lips to mine. You know how hard it is to kiss someone and stay silent? Very.

It is very hard.

Suddenly though, something vibrated behind me on the bench, I noticed it was Tonys phone, lighting up with vics name.

I picked it up and gave Tony a reassuring look.

I pressed answer and put it to my ear.

"Tony, man? Where are you? I tagged Jaime by the way" vic voice flushed through.

I cleared my throat quickly "Oh. My. God!" I said in the fakest, highest, squeakiest voice I could get out of me. "Is this Vic fuentes?"

"Uh...who-" I cut Vic off with the squeaky annoying voice.

"I LOVE YOU! I love you so much! Have my babies! Wait, my address is-" and like that, Vic hung up.

Tony burst into laughter along with me, Vic was long gone by now, probably to find Jaime and Mike.

"Okay, let's go back out" Tony said. I nodded and he kissed me again.

He also gave me a small love bite on my chest, winked and pulled me out of the hut.

"Hey Tony?" I said in a sweet voice. He turned back to me and I smiled.

I pecked him on the lips and took three steps back "your it" I said, before turning around and running away.

What? I like to win games. It's no crime.

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