• The Final Chapter •

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AN// this is the last chapter, I tried to tie all the loose ends, without making it boring. I want to thank you all for reading because it means so much to me and I love all of you guys who have been voting and commenting. Seriously, you guys make me so happy and I hope you enjoy my work to come. I LOVE YOU STRANGERS FROM THE INTERNET.

{ t h i r t y f o u r }

"Lydia come to the bathroom with me?" Becca asked. Instead of going to a coffee shop, we ended up going to a Mexican restaurant.

I let go of Tonys hand, which was on my thigh, and followed Becca.

"So what's up?" I asked once we were inside, she closed the door and pushed me against the wall and started screaming in my face.

"I SAW! YOU AND TONY!" And she started screaming again. My poor ears.

"Okay! Okay!" I caved. She squealed and pulled me into a hug.

"Are you together? When? Oh my god have you slept together?!"

"Calm down! Yes, this morning and no."

She squealed again and hugged me.

"Let's go back out" I laughed. We walked back out and over to the bar to order drinks.

Becca ordered for us while I awkwardly stood there while a creepy guy stared at me. Like wow dude, can you not?

"Hey gorgeous" oh my god he came over to me. How do I escape this.

"Uh, hi? Do I know you?" Please go away. Becca tapped my shoulder in some sort of warning but I didn't look at her, what if I turn around and he touches me or something...

"You can get to know me." He actually winked.

"Lydia" becca whispered.

"I have a boyfriend, but thanks?" That didn't even seem to faze him.

"I don't see your boyfriend anywhere here sweetheart."

I felt arms encircle my waist from behind, I freaked out at first thinking it was one of his friends or something, but I glanced back seeing Tony glaring at the weird guy.

"Pleasure to meet you. Back the fuck off my girl." The guy actually had the audacity to turn to to Becca.

"Yeah keep moving." Vic was suddenly behind her. The guy grimaced and turned away. Thank god that's over.

I let out a sigh of relief, and turned around hugging Tony. I put my head in the crook of his neck and whispered "thanks"

I smiled remembering that he called me his girl, and felt him smile too and kiss my neck lightly.

"Lyd?" I heard a squeaky voice, that sounded a lot like Becca's whisper.

I looked up from Tonys shoulder and saw everyone standing watching us. Well....

I tapped Tonys shoulder and he spun us around so my back was pressed against his chest. He stopped moving when he saw everyone.

"So..." Mike was grinning, trying to sound serious.

Jaime kept a blank look on his face, and I know Tony and I were both staring at him.

It is his approval we're looking for...

"So are we just ignoring it or...?" Mike continued after an awkward while of silence.

"So...?" Jaime's face was still blank as he gestured between us.

I felt Tony nod and Jaime grinned, oh thank The Lord.

"Shall we eat then?" Vic cut in.


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