Chapter 2

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"The sports festival are coming near." The teacher which I had just realized is bandaged and looked like a total hobo said seriously. I saw layers of eyebags beneath his eyes too.

I tuned out all the sounds as hard as I could and distracted myself to try to picture another quirk I have just witnessed. The one the teacher has. Because that means I can erase anyone's quirk without picturing it.

I can use Edit to erase one's quirk, but using Edit to erase is harder and had more impact to my body than using Edit to copy and use one's quirk.

I am not a legendary pokemon with zero drawbacks nor risks. Though the amount of quirk I have is abnormal and useful, it can also retreat back to me.

Exercising and really Maximizing one quirk takes a long time and a lot of experience using it. What about Mastering other quirks? Especially quirks that the usage process is very different from each other.

Plus all those quirks have a massive drawbacks, one that could be counted as my greatest weakness. And there are more than one.

For example, Edit causes huge migraines, and nausea. Instant Regeneration doesn't recover stamina nor does it null effects. Analisis cannot be turned off until you passed a 24 hour limit and has a cooldown of  2 days.

They also have their own conditions for it to work. Analysis needs my sight, Instant regeneration doesn't need anything, Edit needs concentration. Which is what I am trying to obtain right now to copy the teach's quirk.

Well that's it for now. I then continued focusing on the quirk "Erase" before realizing that I have too little information. I activated Analisis and then analize our teacher.

Hours passed by

I finished processing the information in my head and imagine the process. I concentrated hard and mumbled [Copy] below my breath, which thankfully no one heard.

{The quirk, erase has been copied} A voice said in my head, a sign of it succeeding. I smiled as I celebrated in my head. Finally, after hours of pain and failures, I did it.

"Celest!" A familliar voice was heard.

"Celest!" The voice said louder, making me snap back to reality. I raised my head and I looked to the source and saw Midoriya Izuku talking to me.

Voices rushed to my head again, but I tried to tuned it out as I get my act together.

"Izu?" I said acting oblivious and confused.

"Hm? Why are you suddenly distant? Are you sick?" He said worry fill his eyes, as if I was like some porcelaine doll. Fragile as glass.

I look at the tabs popping out and I noticed some informations making my eyes widen in suprise.

|All might passed down his quirk, "All for One" to Midoriya Izuku because his personality.|

|Quirk: One for all, strengthen his body, Midoriya Izuku has yet mastered it as great as his ancestor. Everytime he used it, he gets injured.|

Oho? So.. All Might is fond of you.. but this is good information. I can edit his quirk later. That means I can also edit All Might's quirk.

After being tortured for most of my life, of course my physical body it self is very weak. This might injure me even more than it injured him. So I am not going to use it. But I can weaken it. Fufufu~ this is going to be interesting.

I didn't realize I was so deep in thought, before he called my name once again.

"Celest!" He called out as I replied spontaneously with a confused, "Huh?"

Opposites. // BNHA // Izuku's Twin Sister. (editing in process)Where stories live. Discover now