You can doodle on me

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"Dude, what's up with you today? You sucked!" Graham shouted.

We were in the locker room and had just finished training for a big game in a few weeks. Graham was right, I sucked. Apparently it was an off day for me. Sometimes these things happened, I just hoped it wouldn't happen during a game.

"Especially that lame ass tackle. Not even my grandma would've felt that," Graham continued. He got very emotionally invested in every game. The guys called him Coach Jr because he acted like our coach. Actually even our coach wasn't as coach-y as Graham.

"Yes, I know, thank you," I groaned.

"Is it because of your date yesterday?" Sid wiggled his eyebrows.

"Date? I was working on a bio project with Nora. That's not really a date," I explained calmly. I didn't have a lot of energy to fight the guys. I was exhausted from training.

"You didn't get laid that's for sure, otherwise you'd perform better on the field," Graham laughed, he'd seemed to calm down too. Good. I wasn't in the mood for one of his lectures about how we needed to focus on the field.

"Oh but they seemed very cosy eating ice cream," Sid grinned.

"Yeah, we went to the circus afterwards to get ice cream. No big deal," I shrugged.

"Oooh romantic," Sid teased, "I'd hit that. She's hot," he said as we got out of the locker room.

"Who is?" Shelly asked. Her dark hair was in a pony tail and her cheeks were still tinged red from her cheerleading practice.

"You, of course," Sid said while giving Shelly a kiss on her forehead. Nice save but I could tell Shelly didn't believe a word he had said. She was smarter than people gave her credit for.

"Honey, I need a back rub, practice totally exhausted me," she asked while standing a little too close to Sid. And that's how she had Sid wrapped around her finger. He'd do anything for her and she knew it.

Before Sid could answer, Shelly spotted a few of her friends and went away, leaving Sid wanting more.

"Ugh, she makes me so hard," Sid groaned.

"Easy there. We still have a few classes to go to. Keep it in your pants," I patted Sid on the shoulder.

He raised his hand and gasped. "Don't touch me, I'm vulnerable right now," he said dramatically.

I pushed him towards bio since that was our next class.

"Although you can touch me," Sid winked at a girl walking in the same direction. I noticed it was Nora he'd been saying it to.

"I won't. I might catch a disease," she shot back.

"Good one," I laughed. "Hey."

"Hi Sam and ... disease-ridden friend of Sam," Nora greeted us. She had her long brown hair in a braid and I noticed she'd written stuff on her hand when she touched her hair.

Sid had already found another victim to talk to.

"We don't have a test, right?" I asked her and the look of confusion was the answer I was hoping for.

"No, I sure hope not," Nora replied.

"It looks like you're ready to cheat," I said, looking at her hand.

"Oh that," she smiled awkwardly, "I tend to doodle when I'm bored and I didn't have any paper. It was this or my neighbor," she confessed.

"You can doodle on me, my hands are bigger," I suggested.

"... that's weird," she said looking concerned until a bright smile appeared on her face.

"I figured I was being nice. Offering my body for your entertainment. Ugh, I sound like Sid," I groaned and rubbed my face with my hand. This definitely wasn't my day.

"Offering your body for my entertainment? So... you're a prostitute now? You know, you could earn a lot of money that way," she uttered. "What will it cost me to doodle on your hand?" she asked with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna have to sit next to you. Which is a reward because I don't feel like sitting next to Sid. And I have one condition," I stated formally.

"Okay, what's your condition?" Nora asked curiously while taking a seat next to me.

"You can't draw a penis or anything that looks like one," I said gravely.

Nora burst out laughing as if that thought hadn't even occurred to her.

"A I'm not Sid and B fine, I'll draw butterflies and stars then," she grinned.

"Girly things? Man, Flint is gonna give me such a hard time,"  I pouted.

Things got pretty boring during bio since a few groups were already presenting their project since they'd finished early. Let's say some people really aren't cut out to speak in front of a crowd.

"Flint? He's like five. Are you saying you can't handle a five year old?" Nora asked with her eyebrow raised.

"He's seven. And no, he usually wins," I winked.

I was relieved when bio was over. I'd had enough of the presentations that seemed to go on forever. Even the teacher was one project away from falling asleep it seemed.

"See, we talk to each other at school," I told Nora as I was leaving to go to the next class. She had another class.

"Don't do this because you feel obligated," she said curtly, "I've got to go."

With that she left and I wondered if I'd said something wrong.

"Hey Nugget!" Tom shouted through the halls. I was certain pretty much everyone had heard. The guy didn't know how to be silent.

"Tommyboy, we missed you at practice today," I said while messing up his hair. If you would rub it hard enough, his light blond hair would resemble the fur of a little chick.

"Not the hair!" he yelled while trying to get me back.

"I had to go to the dentist," Tom told me while trying to flatten his hair with both his hands.

"During practice? Couldn't you go during chem or math?" I asked.

"My mom wouldn't let me," he said like a toddler who wasn't allowed to eat candy.

I barked out a laugh because I knew it was true. His mom was a hard ass and all the guys loved it.

"Yeah laugh all you want. My mouth feels numb. Warn me when I'm drooling," Tom warned me.

"Anyway, have you seen Skank? He has my homework," Tom asked.

I don't think I need to explain where Skank got his nickname. He's a skank and after a good laugh, the name stuck. I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't even know his real name.

"He made your homework?"I asked incredulously.

"No, his sister did. Skank got the skanky skills and his sister got the brains," Tom explained to me and for some reason it sounded so right.

"Any plans after school?" I asked my friend.

"Yeah, we have a family game night. My mom wants everyone to be there," Tom said.

"Sounds fun, Mommyboy," I grinned. "I think I'll stay at home too. I'm kinda tired."

"Boring. Although, I'm kinda tired too. Being human is exhausting," Tom observed.

"You're damn right it is."

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