Help we swapped bodies

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I looked at my phone and realised I'd forgotten to charge it last night. Great.

I wanted to ask Sam how his night had been with my friends but I guess it needed to wait. I'd go over there soon anyway.

At school I'd managed to get out of practice again. It was now official that my knee was acting up again and that I needed to relax for a little while. They all accepted it and I felt way less anxiety because of it.

Playing sports was the worst part of being Sam. Hanging out with his friends was probably the best part.

School was boring as always. It didn't even matter who you were, it would remain boring. Needless to say, I was relieved when I'd survived yet another day.

Other than biology I didn't have classes with Sam so we'd meet after school.

"So, how was it yesterday?" I asked while still walking up to my room where Sam would be. He was doing his homework. I still needed to start on mine.

"Fun! I had a lot of laughs and a lot of food. So I guess, what you could expect from a night with Bertie," he grinned.

Man, he made me so envious by saying that. Those evenings were always so much fun.

"Glad you had a good time. Now, move over, I brought my homework too," I said while pushing him gently.

In the beginning we swapped homework so it would still be our own grades but after a little while we figured that was stupid. I opened my laptop with a big sigh.

"I know, I hate this too," Sam told me. He was so busy typing it had surprised me that he even heard that sigh.

"Considering the circumstances, I feel like we are putting way too much effort in homework," I said, hoping Sam would agree so we could stop doing it but he never did.

"You can't just throw your responsibilities out of the window just because something else is going on in our lives," he replied absentmindedly.

"You're so boring," I rolled my eyes.

We worked together in silence for about an hour. I felt like celebrating when I was finished but mentally I was too exhausted.

After that, the research started again.

"Nora, did you seriously just Google 'Help we swapped bodies'?" Sam laughed.

"I'm running out of ideas!" I said, feeling busted.

"Well, the conclusion is that we're either high or ... nah, just high," I told Sam eventually.

"Hang on, I have this story here about a girl who swaps bodies all the time but she can't control it. Maybe she can help us?" Sam asked.

"Ask her if we can meet. I don't know if we can believe her but we're getting desperate," I told him. If the girl was really telling the truth, she might know more about it.

"I'll ask when we can Skype with her because it says here that she's from Germany," he told me evenly. We weren't excited anymore about these finds. We had zero expectations because it was the safest option.

Those constant disappointments whenever things didn't work out, would destroy us if we didn't have this new strategy.

Although, I felt hope lingering in the back of my mind. What if she actually knows more? What if she could help us reverse it? Her experiences where only a few hours longs so maybe we were doing something wrong. Maybe this was a quick fix.

Or maybe she didn't know how to help us at all. I needed to be critical. This could be an internet troll for all we knew.

"So, who is Dennis?" Sam asked with a smirk.

"Who?" I asked, feeling confused.

"Ehh... Keith?" he then continued to ask me.

"What are we talking about?" I laughed. "Are you trying to communicate?"

"Yesterday, your friends were talking about your boyfriend from last year," he clarified.

I burst out laughing. I couldn't believe Milly and Ian didn't even remember his name.

"Oh, you mean Mick?" I asked.

"They weren't even close!" Sam exclaimed.

"Well, that's a good indication of how great our relationship was," I snickered. "We dated for a few months but I quickly realised he wasn't right for me."

He had seemed cute at first but he was clingy and smelled like lavendar all the time. His humor was way off and we didn't have much to talk about.

"Wait, why were they talking about Mick?" I asked.

"They were saying how much we loved each other and how different that was compared to other guys you dated," Sam explained.

My friends and their stupid big mouths.

"That's ridiculous," I snorted.

"Is it? I mean, I'm sort of really in love with you," he confessed.

"What?" I asked with a squeaky voice. What was he saying? My brain was shutting down.

"At first I thought it was because we were spending a lot of time together and because I got to know you on an entirely different level but I realised that I think you're the most amazing person I know and the part I hate most about having each other bodies is that I can't hold you and kiss you. Well, I can but it's not the same even though, I really liked our kiss. Nora, please start talking, you know I'm gonna keep rambling until you do," he pleaded.

This would've been a good moment to start talking. A great moment even. But as I was saying, my brain was completely shutting down. All functions were out of order. If I would've opened my mouth to say something, I would've made sounds but not words.

So that one braincell left that was still working, decided it was a good idea to grab him and kiss him passionately. Which is what I did.

It didn't take Sam long to notice what I was doing and luckily he started to cooperate. At least his braincells still seemed to be working.

I grabbed his hand and led him to my bed where we continued to kiss. His tongue was dancing with mine and goosebumps erupted all over my body. His mouth went to my neck and I let out a moan.

Reality set in when I got an actual boner. Not just a morning erection that I'd gotten used to but an actual 'I'm ready to do it'-boner. And that's the moment I stopped kissing Sam.

"I'm sorry," I said, slightly panting. I really wanted to continue this but I didn't really know how. Well, technically I knew how but it was very new.

"It's okay, we were going a little fast," he said, kissing my forehead.

Slowly but surely, the soldier in my pants went back to rest.

We didn't talk much after that and eventually, I needed to get home. Sam's mom always wanted to eat dinner as a family, and I respected that. I even liked it because it was something I never did with my own parents.

It was a short drive back to Sam's house but I was so lost in thought that I didn't even remember how I got there. Did that actually just happen? Had Sam really said that he was in love with me? What the hell? And why did that feel more surreal than having his body?

God, not to mention that kiss. How fast it got heated and how good it had felt. Just like last time, it didn't seem like I was kissing my own body. Otherwise that would've been wrong on so many levels.

There was a grin plastered on my face just thinking about it but it went away quickly when I realised that someone was standing outside of Sam's house.

The last person who I'd ever expect to be standing there.

I got out of the car, "Hey Milly, what's up?" I said while shaking on my legs.

"I believe you."

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