The True Pass

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Hisoka finally consents to a fight with Wendy, who prepares by continuing to train tirelessly in the use of Nen.

Meanwhile in Wings Apartment...

"Today we're going to begin our study of Hatsu." Said Wing. "Once you master Hatsu, then you will have mastered all of the basics of Nen." Said Wing. "At that point in your education, you'll need to start developing your own Nen style." Said Wing.

"Osu!" Said Both Wendy, Killua, and Zushi.

"Hatsu is the technique by which you can control your aura." Said Wing. "In other words, it's the culmination of Nen abilities, of which there are six categories." Explained Wing.

Wing adjusted his glasses. "Enhancers strengthens and reinforce natural abilities." Explained Wing. "Emitters propel aura." Said Wing. "Transmuters change the quality of aura." Explained Wing. "Conjurers materialize objects out of aura." Explained Wing. "Manipulators control things with aura." Explained Wing. "And Specialists are those with a unique and distinct aura that doesn't fall within the other five classes." Said Wing.

The light dimmed off Wing's glasses. "It's incredibly important that you find an ability that suits you." Said Wing.

"What do you mean, "suits you"?" Asked Wendy.

"Nen abilities are highly personal, within two areas of particular prominence...

Wings points. "The ability that you're born with and of course the ability that you've refined later in life." Explained Wing.

"For example, Wendy here was born with muscles that are more flexible and springy than most." Said Wing. "Her acute senses were boned by a childhood spent mostly in a calm and peaceful area." Said Wing.

"So you see, from the moment of birth, your Nen ability falls within one of the six categories." Said Wing. "It's possible for your Nen aura to change types later on, although that's quite rare." Said Wing.

Wing walked up to the board. "If you attempt to learn a new ability, one that doesn't fit your natural aura, you will have a hard time." Said Wing.

  Wing got a marker and drew a diagram on the board.

"This depicts the compatibility of the six categories." Said Wing. "The closer a class is to your own, the greater your chances of learning it." Said Wing. "If you are born with an aura of the Enhancer category you will find Enhancer abilities easiest to learn and master." Explained Wing. "The adjacent Transmuter and Emitter classes will also be easy to pick up." Said Wing. "On the other hand, the Specialist class which is furtherest away would undoubtedly prove quite difficult." Said Wing.

"I'll demonstrate using skills you've already seen." Said Wing. "Hisoka is able to change his aura into a rubber-like substance, so he's a Transmuter." Explained Wing. "Gido uses his tops as a weapon by making them spin faster, which is an Enhancer power." Explained Wing. "But trying to manipulate so many tops as weapons also requires the skill of a Manipulator." Explained Wing. "Since that isn't very compatible, he wasn't very effective." Said Wing. "As for Kastro, his Tiger Bite Fist was incredibly strong. Had he mastered it, he would have been among the strongest Nen users." Said Wing. "I believe his aura fell into the Enhancer class." Said Wing. "However, he made the choice to focus his energy on the power to create a double, which is a Conjurer ability." Said Wing. "He also required the ability of a Manipulator to control the double." Said Wing. "As you can see, both of those are relatively far from the Enhancer category." Said Wing.

"So neither of them was compatible with an Enhancer type?" Asked Wendy.

Wing nodded. "Correct. Learning an incompatible ability requires a great deal of work and natural talent." Explained Wing.

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