Chapter 19: Monday

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Momo POV:

"I'm leaving now" I announce out to my parents

"Okay honey be safe and have a nice day" Dad reply I open the door and walk out to the front to find a black car parked in front of my house and Mina was standing there

"If you gonna ask if I did this, No I did not" Mina said as I walked up just then a man in a suit came out the drive seat

"You two must Mrs. Hirai and Mrs. Myoui, I am Mr. Pak. I shall be chauffeuring you ladies from and to school for the rest of the year, requested by Mr. Lee" he said we both look at each other and back at Mr. Pak  confused

"and Mr. Lee wanted me to hand this to you" Mr. Pak then handed me an envelope to me and I opened it up.

Dear Momo,

You must be confused right now on why I send a chauffeur for you and Mina and the reason behind that is because I don't want you two to get hurt anymore. I wish I could have stop the harassment earlier and I apologize for that, to make it up to you and Mina I have left a gift for both of you in the car. For you, I have gotten you a new phone since I know your last one got broken by the girls I hope the phone I got you will be able to replace your old one and for Mina I have left a credit card that has 930,000 Won use it how ever you want. If anything else happens please come and tell me I will take care of it.

-Sighed Y/N

I look up from the letter and handed over to Mina while she read I started looking around and I notice a car parked couple of blocks down at an intersection and I recognized it was Y/N's car after a few seconds the car drove away

"Awwwww, that's so sweet of him. I don't even know why I'm surprised I know him for years now, he does these kinds of thing to all of his friends" Mina said

"Well that's Mr. Lee for you. Now shall we get going madames" Mr. Pak said we both nodded before getting in and Y/N wasn't lying there were gifts in the seat. I reached for the box with my name and unwrapped it and there was a brand new phone not even a single finger print on it

"Are you ladies buckle in?" Mr. Pak asked we both nodded then he tilded his hat and he started to drive.

'Thanks you Y/N'.


"Alright Class That is all for today, Tomorrow we will have a discussion on what we learn today" My history teacher said, I grab my belonging and put them in my bag then head out of the class to the front of the school to meet up with Momo and Mina. When I got there I didn't see them so I sat down at a bench a wait for them, while i'm waiting I decided to text a reminder to Jennie

Ex - Jennie Kim

(4:00) Yah, Remember we're meeting at Star Cafe : Y/N

Jennie Kim : I know, I know. No need to remind me Y/N. Do want to see me this badly? (4:01)

(4:01) Don't get it twisted I want to make things clear : Y/N

Jennie Kim : whatever I'm on my way there give me 10min (4:02)

"Who are you talking to oppa?" I look up from my phone and Mina and Momo were standing right in from of me

"Oh, it's just someone I need to meet up" I said looking at them

"Well don't make whoever this person is waiting" Mina said I look over at Momo and she nodded I got up and hugged both of them

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