Chapter 22: News

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"Oh okay sir, we need you to review these paper for this month, later on today we have a business meet with the team on something new then there will be dinner and after that a couple more paper work and you'll be done for the day." Mr. Han said as I just arrive at the company and sat down at my desk, it's been like this since I decided to start working at my parents company, the same things over and over. It's been few weeks and I can't take it anymore.

*internal screaming*

While working through the day I spotted Momo's parents, we had a small conversation and they thanked me for taking care of Momo while they were gone but it was really nothing to thanked me for but they still tried to and offered to take me out for dinner sometime but I declined we continued talking until I got a message from Mr. Han telling me the meet is about to start, I said goodbye to Momo parents and went of to the meeting room


As the meet was coming to an end I took out my phone and glanced at the time and it was closing to dinner and I received a message from Namjoon

God Of Destruction:

RM: Hey, come to the Bangtan house we're having a group dinner since it's been awhile and I got some news.

Alright, I'll be there in a bit: Y/N

I put my phone back in to my pocket and signal Mr. Han to come over

"I have dinner plans already and I am done for today after this" I told Mr. Han and he look at me weirdly

"What about the work after dinner?"

"What is my schedule for tomorrow?" I asked and he open his tablet

"No meets tomorrow and only a few light paper work" he informed and I nodded

"Then push the things I need to do later to tomorrow, I'll do those work first thing when I arrive" I said and Mr. Han nodded

"Alright everybody" I said outloud getting everybody in the meeting room attention "That would be all for today, good work and have a safe night" I said concluding the meeting, I immediately started head for the door and Mr. Han was walking right next to me.

"Good work today sir, tell me how are you dealing with all this, combining school and running a company?" He asked and shrugged in response

"I really don't know, obviously it's a bit difficult juggling school, the up coming test and now work but I'm managing it," I said with a smile at the end

"Well you are a very talented kid sir," Mr. Han said and I thanked him "well you have a wonderful night sir," he said as I went into the elevator

"You too Mr. Han" we said goodbye and the elevator door closed and began to descend to the parking garage.


As I arrive on to the street the Bangtan house is on I got a message from Mina asking where I was and everyone is here already and are waiting for me. As I got near the house I spot Jungkook and V sitting on the curb of the street, I flash my car light at them and they looked up and them being dramatic rolled backward and started jumping up and down pointing at the street and even with  my window up I can hear them yelling "park here".

'These kids'

I parked my car and got out then was immediately tackle by V to the ground

"OH MY GOSH HYUNG I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!" V cried and I pushed him off of me and getting up

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