Beginning of the end

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Hello dear journal, and here we are. The last page.
It's certainly been an eventful journey and...a rough few months hasn't it? What with all thats happened, at least. Heh, can't complain about it being boring though can I? I can definately cross 'survive the apocalypse' off my to do list now, can't I? Yeah, too soon.
So, the kids go back to Piedmont tomorrow. Not looking forward to that tearful goodbye. I really don't like goodbyes. On one hand I could stay here in Gravity Falls and man the radio station, but on the other I could go with the twins back to Piedmont and experience normal life. I could grow up with the two people I've come to care about, help them through highschool (gods save us all), study for a degree. I could enjoy life. Ugh, why does everything have to be so overcomplicated.
Bah, I'll think about that later (not like I haven't been thinking about it enough).
This summer has been a blast though, I've made friends, become internet famous, and done things I never thought I would. Ever!
On a side note, the band has decided that while we will all go our separate ways, we'll still keep in touch with each other. Meet up every now and then, still make our music. Heh, crowd pleasers, the lot of us.
You know, it's been fun these past few months (regardless of the amount of time we spent with our lives in danger), making references that no-one understands, all the pranks, the adventures, even the quiet (non-episode) days we had.
But hey, if you want to know the story all you have to do is flick through these old pages. And maybe you won't find the whole story written in here, I'll just have to leave that up to your imagination.

This is Riley Emiel (Pines!) signing out for the last time.

The (Pines!) was written in pink gel pen and had a more cartoonish look to it, a stark contrast from the black ink used to write the rest. Below the signature was a well taken polaroid photograph of seven people, a pig and a Springer Spaniel taped to the page, and below that a date and title written in sparkly green gel pen:

August 31st, My Family

The 'y' trailed off slightly, becoming more like an untidy scribble compared to the rest of the relatively neat handwriting. Around the page and on the inside of the back cover were more polaroid photographs, ranging from the younger set of twins from the first photo blowing out candles on a birthday cake to the pig and the dog. Each picture had a title below it in the same sparkly green gel pen as the one before, but with more loose glitter and stickers scattered randomly across the page and cover. Across the well worn page there were odd blotchy spots, tear stains most likely.

As the journal was flipped closed, the person reading it having come to the end, and the front cover came into view. The book was bound in forest green leather with a ridged dark brown spine, a long and slightly freyed braided piece of lighter brown leather was attached to the spine and draped over the back of the journal, many of the pages along the side were very worn looking but not old, pieces of paper (most likely taped to other pages) stuck out at odd angles, and on the front was pale green stitching shaped into a diamond with a silver four leafed clover in the middle of it.

The person closed the book and sighed with a soft smile on her face, tracing a finger across the book's spine. A few stray strands of black tipped mousey brown hair fell across the book cover, some annoyingly getting stuck between the cover itself and the silver clover adorning it. The woman huffed to herself, something about being 'long overdue a haircut'.

"Hey Riles, we're going to the diner to get pancakes! You wanna come with?" An energetic and familiar voice called up to the attic, Mabel definately. 'Riles' stood up, brushing the few strands of hair behind her ear before pulling it up into a low ponytail.

"Coming! Just gonna put my boots on, K!" She replied, throwing on her signature jacket (albeit with slightly more patches on it now) and boots before walking to the door. As she passed a small mirror, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the glass. Ice blue eyes flecked with green hid behind black framed glasses taped up at the nose. Mousey brown hair swept back into a loose low ponytail, two large black streaks of hair stood out the most (both just above her temples) as well as the black tip-streak that took up about 3/4 of her ponytail, and her light tan skin was marred with faint white and the occasional faded pink scars.

'Riles' shook her head and slipped the journal into the hidden inside pocket of her jacket, stealing a quick glance at the attic window as she did so.

The soft smile was replaced with an unreadable expression for a few seconds before she hurried out of the attic, thoroughly excited (and nervous) for what was to come.

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