Chapter 4: Reminding Me To Forget

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"Do you remember how you came to work for the Gleefuls?" Ford asked, pen poised above his journal. Will shook his head as he tried desperately to remember "It's a b-blank, I was with my brother, then I was with the Gleefuls, everything in between is gone, I can't remember."

"Maybe you blocked it out? Too traumatic perhaps?" 

"But d-don't you th-think I would f-forget the s-stuff they d-did to me to?" Will asked. Ford sighed, Will was right. "Its seems your mind has been tampered with" Ford explained, scribbling something down in his book.

"But why?" 

"So you wouldn't question how you ended up with the Gleefuls, so you wouldn't know that it was your brother that put you there?" Ford guessed.

"But why would he do that!? Never mind, I know why, he hates me and wants to see me suffer, but why though? I thought everything was fine. I thought we were okay," Will said, without stuttering once. Ford noticed it only happened when he was nervous. Will went through his memories, remembering him and Bill, happy, together, home, before he took that all away from him and made him suffer instead. 

"Maybe you did something?" Ford asked, Will shook his head "No! I adored my brother. I would never want to harm him, not intentionally, he's my twin!" 

Ford sighed and put down the notepaper. "Enough questions how about some lunch?" 

Will nodded "Yes please."

The demons eyes widened at all the food, and so did the twins "Why so much?" Dipper asked as he sat down.

"It's mostly to cater to Will's appetite, he needs feeding up, he's far too skinny" Stan said. Will grinned and Stan shuddered "Your grin is scary" 

Will closed his mouth. "Sorry."

"It's fine, you're a demon, my brain knows it, but my eyes don't" Stan said, smiling at him to show him he wasn't afraid. Will sat down next to Mabel as the girl bounced in her seat. "So how's the sweater? I haven't seen you wear it yet."

"I didn't want to get it covered in my blood, I'm using it as a pillow" he went red as he realized what that had sounded like and grimaced, no, he wasn't a creep like that.

"It's soft," he whispered, putting his head down. Ford burst into laughter, and Mabel smiled at him, ruffling his hair carefully. "You're so funny! I'm happy you like it, but you have to wear it soon!" 

"Okay, I will, I promise," he said, taking some food as it was offered to him. 

Stan and the others looked at the empty table in shock, plates wiped clean of all the food they had held "Did we seriously eat all that?" Dipper asked, rubbing his stuffed belly.

"Oh, that would have mostly been me" Will said, going red as he blushed "I was hungry."  

"It's fine, I had a hunch you would need more food, which is why I made extra." Ford replied. Will nodded, and the twins and him excused themselves from the table while the older twins cleaned up.

"Well, Sixer, you were right, he did need all that," Stan said, clearing the plates and chucking them in the sink to wash later. Ford chuckled. "He's a demon. Not only does he need food for him, he needs food for other energies too, like his powers, which I haven't seem him use."

"Maybe he doesn't have any?" 

"He created a portal, but that's it." 


"I'll go ask him."

"My powers?" 


Will looked down "I haven't used them properly in ages, except for the portal, before that I never used them unless my Masters wanted me to." 

"Can you do the deal flames?" 

"It's called soul binding fire, and yes, I think I can" 

Will put out his hand and took a deep breath, concentrating on his abilities. The yellow flames began burning softly in his palm, rising up as they licked at his fingers "There" he said smiling. Ford adjusted his glasses "Yellow!? Interesting, Bill's are blue" 

"Not all are the same, since me and Bill are twins. I am his complete opposite when it comes to magic and emotions." 

"I see." 

"I would like to weigh you. See how you're going?" Ford asked, closing his book,

"Weigh me?" 

"You're dangerously skinny, I need to make sure you're actually gaining weight" 

"Oh, what about the scars can you fix those?" Will asked, clutching his torso and imagining himself with clear skin once more "No, scars stay, I'm sorry" Ford replied.

"What about, the, the-" Will struggled to say it, 

"The pain?" Ford helped,

"Yeah, I, n-need it t-to go..."

"Time can fix that, I can help by making you comfortable and happy, but other than that, you just need time" Ford said, patting his shoulder. 

Will sighed "Thanks." 

The shower steamed the bathroom up and Will wiped the mirror with his towel as he got out. He gave himself a good look over as he appeared in the reflective surface and grimaced at his body; he was still pretty skinny. The scars littered every inch of his skin, and the large gash from his very real, matrix style nightmare (If he gets hurt in his dream he gets hurt in real life) was also there. He traced it with his finger; it was still slightly blue and still healing. 

He examined the others; they were everywhere and he could barely remember how he got them all. He turned his shoulder, glimpsing the wound his brother had made, puckered and raised as it knitted itself back together slowly. He dried himself off and pulled on the shirt he had been given as well as the pants too. Then, with a smile he put on the sweater Mabel had made, it suited him and fit him perfectly and he smiled, showing off his sharp pointy teeth. He closed his mouth immediately and sighed. "Stan's right, they are scary, best be careful who I smile at, don't want to give an old lady a heart attack or something" he muttered to himself. 

Dipper pulled Will into his and Mabel's room that evening. "So, we wanted to know if you'll play with us?" 

"What's the game?" 

"Well, the only one we have suitable for all of us, is Snakes & Ladders, it's that or Mabel's dating board game" 

Will went red "S-Snakes & Ladders sounds b-better" he stuttered.  

Dipper chuckled. "I agree, Mabel? Set it up! Lets have some fun!" he said, clapping his hands as they set it up. Will sat down slowly upon the floor, wincing as his body protested.


"Why do the squares on the board have writing on them?" Will asked, squinting at the printed words. "Well, if you get a snake's head, it shows a bad thing the character did and you go down and the tail shows you what your punish- oh, maybe we shouldn't play this-" Dipper said, hurriedly, trying to cleaned it up.

"No! It's fine, it's just a game, right? The bad things don't actually have to happen?"

"No, or course not, it's just, you can read them to see what happens, it's an old board so" Dipper sighed "Sorry Will, I am such a jerk"  

"N-No, you're not, it's fine" Will said "Can I be blue?" 

"Of course!" Mabel said, handing him the smooth piece of plastic, Dipper smiled as he began to reset up their pieces. Ford found them enjoying a game of Snakes & Ladders with Mabel in the lead a few moments later. 

Enjoy your fun while it lasts, little brother... 

(I have this snakes and ladders game at home, it's very old, the punishments are kind of scary, but it's fun to read them when you go down a snake, and yes here in New Zealand its Snakes & Ladders, not Chutes and Ladders) 

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