Chapter 2: PTSD

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Finally feeling full from the food Ford had given him, he had enough energy to take a decent shower. The hot water washed away the blood from his body, turning the water a light blue as it drained away. He cleaned the grime from his hair, and the dirt and sweat, flinching as he felt all his bones sticking out, "I really am s-skinnier than a m-matchstick" he muttered to himself as he turned off the hot water.

He pulled the towel off the rail and wrapped it around himself, wiping away the steam from the mirror as a knock on the door made him jump. "Will? I have some clothes for you!" came Ford's voice. Will opened the door, and Ford smiled at him. "Good shower?" he asked.

Will nodded and Ford placed the clothes on the sink's edge, closing the door behind him as he left. 

"Food, shower and c-clothes, it's nice" he said, drying his hair and carefully putting on the fabrics. A blue tee-shirt and a pair of black fleecy pants had been given to him to wear and they felt nice on his skin.  

He hung the towel back on the shower rail and left the bathroom, making his way to the stairs. His back twinged painfully, and he had to stop and steady himself while his body shook with the effort to keep his steady as he felt dizzy, "Will? Are you okay?" Dipper asked, appearing beside him "Just s-sore" he said quietly.

"Do you need help?" Dipper asked, reaching out for his arm.

Will's eyes widened as he saw brown hair slicked back and blue amulet glowing. He flinched and backed away "D-Don't t-touch m-me!!" he cried, hitting the wall hard. Pain shot up and down his body and he yelped as he pulled at the stitches. 

"Will! Be careful!" Dipper cried, trying to calm him down. Will looked up to see, not Dipper Gleeful, but Dipper Pines, and he took shaky breaths as he tried to calm himself down. He wiped away the tears that ran down his face as he trembled. "L-Leave me a-alone, pl-please" he said through gritted teeth as Dipper reached for him again with concern on his features. He quickly made his way downstairs, leaving Dipper at the top and confused as to what he had done wrong. 

Will walked into the kitchen slowly and Ford smiled from his seat "Feeling better?" 

"Y-Yeah," he said, sitting down at the empty seat. Stan walked in a few moments later, grumbling about the sunshine. Will flinched and got up as he saw the blue, the anger, and Stanley Gleeful looking down at him instead of Stanley Pines. "Will? Something the matter?" the man asked as Will's fingers gripped the tables edge tightly. Will rubbed his eyes and Stanley Gleeful was a Pines once more, "N-Nothing, I, I j-just thought I s-saw him" he said, sitting back down.

"Him?" Stan asked, confused as he sniffed the milk. Will just shook his head. "It's n-nothing." Stanford hummed, he had a feeling he knew what was going on "I think you have PTSD, Will."

"He saw you as Stanley Gleeful" he added for Stan's confused benefit.

Will looked up at him "What's th-that? PTSD?" 

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" 

Will adjusted the tee-shirt he had on, he felt cold, "Do y-you guys h-have a s-sweater I c-can b-borrow?" 

Ford nodded "Of course" he said, leaving the room to grab him something warmer. He came back moments later with a blue sweater in his hands, "Here you go, Will"

"Th-thanks" he said, tugging it on. He yelped as pain burst from his wound and a warm wet feeling built up under the bandage, he must have broken the stitches. "Careful Will" Ford said, helping him with the sweater. "Th-thank you" he said as his head popped out the top, the wool was warm and comfortable and he sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "F-Ford?"


Will thought about what he was going to say then stopped, 

"N-Never mind." 

Will left the kitchen and went back to his room, lying down on the bed and sobbing as he did so. He felt useless, everything felt useless, just an attempt to make the worse a tiny bit good. He had been enslaved, beaten, broken, starved, and then he had come home only for his brother to try to kill him. Everything hurt, his heart, his body, and his brain. 


It was Mabel's voice. "Oh, Will, please don't cry! You're going to make me cry!" a hand placed itself on his head and gently stroked his hair. He looked up to see Mabel Pines, pink sweater and a sad look on her face, "Please don't cry, I made you something, but you've got to smile if you want it" 

Will sat up, "What i-is it?" 

Mabel waved a finger. "You've got to smile." 

Will put his head down. "What's the p-point?" 

Mabel took his hand, his nails were bitten and chewed, hers were too, but slightly better looking than his. 

They weren't manicured and painted like Mistress Mabel's nails.

"Please smile for me." 

Tears swam in front of his eyes and he let them flow as Mabel hugged him. "Please don't cry." she insisted. Will pushed her back gently and wiped his face, and smiled "Now, what d-did you h-have for m-me?" 

Mabel grinned and Will noticed the glint of braces as she pulled out a sweater from behind her back, light blue and with his eye, looking sad and miserable as he always did "I knitted it myself!" 

Will's eyes widened. "You went th-through all th-that time j-just to make m-me this?" 

"Do you like it?" 

"Of course! It's the f-first r-real g-gift anyone's g-given m-me!" 

Mabel squealed with delight and hugged him again, a warm hug filled with joy. Will hugged her back, enjoying it immensely, "That's also th-the best h-hug I've ever g-gotten" 

Mabel grinned. "Glad to help." 

Will folded the sweater under his head and pulled the covers up to his neck, twisting them in his fingers to keep them there. The crickets chirped, and the owls hooted outside as he watched the moon shine through his curtains. He closed his eyes as a black line appeared on the moon's surface; blinking as it watched him, waiting for him.

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