On The Sidelines

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A combination of anxiety, panic and relief rushed through her body as she sat still on the Quinjet. She could feel the concerned eyes of the other Avengers on her but she didn't dare look.

Her ears barely registered the quiet chatter of the other close occupants, yet they sounded miles away. The only sound she was focused on was the low drone of the Quinjet's engine, whilst her ocean blue eyes didn't dare move from the bruised peaceful face of Steve Rogers.

His suited body was strapped to the table in the middle of the craft, perfectly still. The thick protective material of the suit hiding the slight rise and fall of his muscled chest. A deep cut on his forehead, coated his porcelain skin with dark crimson blood, that had now dried. The yellow bruising around his right eye was already coming through. Small tears in his suit showed his light flesh against dark blue.

Alex had watched him plenty of times get hit, knocked back or crash to the ground but she had never seen him not get back up. There were many times that she had wished for him to stay down but that wasn't who Steve was. However, this time he didn't have a choice in the matter. 

He had gotten injured during a fight with a group of Hydra agents who appeared to have the help of the same serum that Dr Erskine gave Steve.  As the leader of the superhero group, he told them all to split up which left him with no backup when things went south.  Alex was normally the getaway pilot for the group, there to help if the battle tipped against the superheroes. She wanted to be able to get in and fight alongside them but she knew she would be a distraction especially for Steve. This time he was a distraction for her. 

A look of horror crossed her face watching him get overpowered by the enemy.  Alex informed the others of what was happening but it wasn't enough.

That led to the now sombre atmosphere on the small jet. Tony insisted on flying back to the compound, knowing that Alex would want to be with Steve. They all knew that Steve was going to be alright but seeing him so vulnerable terrified them. 

Wanda and Clint were sat opposite her, trying not to look at the static brunette. They had known Alex long enough to know that she shut down in situations like these. There was no use comforting her when she knew he was going to be okay but there was always a voice in her head disagreeing.  

The Avengers eyes went to the brunette when they saw her lift her arm, out of their peripheral vision. 

Alex raised her arm to reach for Steve but the harness held her back. The restriction even stopped her from leaning forward, her fingertips barely touching his skin. She craved his touch to the point of deliberating whether to take off the safety harness, but with Tony flying that would be stupid. 

When she realised she couldn't reach him, the brunette dropped her arms and head in defeat. 

That's when the tears  started.


4 hours.

4 hours since Steve lost consciousness. 

4 hours Alex hadn't let his side.

Wrapped in one of her old knitted cardigans, she sat in the grey arm chair next to Steve's bed. She didn't want to let go of his hand but that made finding a comfortable position, almost impossible. Alex was currently 'relaxing' with her legs draped over one arm, her head leaning on the other and her arm outstretched towards Steve.

Quietly huffing to herself, she gave up on comfort. She took her legs off the arm, planting them on the floor to look back at Steve. Placing her elbows on her knees, the brunette leant forward, cradling Steve's hand in both of hers. 

A golden strand of hair fell across his forehead, causing Alex to raise her hand to sweep it away. Her manicured fingers ran though his hair, her dull fingernails dragging across his scalp. In a smooth motion, her hand fell to his soft slightly rosy cheek. Her thumb instinctively started to caress his cheek, a small smile on her lips. The man out of time looked so peaceful in his bed. His brow wasn't furrowed. His shoulders weren't tense. He looked calm.

His left eye started to twitch and his hand clenched around hers as he finally started to wake up. In response, Alex raised from her seat to perch on the side of his bed. Her hand went back to cupping his, bringing it to her lips to peck. 

Steve's eyes fluttered open to reveal his blue orbs staring at her in relief and confusion.

"Hey, superhero." She whispered softly. Steve turned his head in response, leaning on his left side to look at her properly.

"What happened?" His gruff voice asked. Alex smiled softly, bringing her hand back to his cheek.

"You got knocked out by some super Hydra agents. I tried to let them team know but it wasn't an easy fight for any of us." Steve saw the sadness in her eyes as she recapped what happened. He turned his hand to give her a give peck on the palm of her hand. Alex saw the worry cross over his eyes, knowing what he was about to say but she beat him to the punch. "Don't worry, I stayed in the Quinjet as per my orders." 

"Good because I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." Alex rolled her eyes. She totally understood that he didn't want her getting hurt but she could have helped him when he was down with no backup. Snatching back her head, she jumped up from the bed in frustration at having this conversation again.

"Yeah but something did happen to you, Steve." Cap sat up in response to her angry tone, his eyes following her at she paced at the other end of the bed. "I have never seen you get knocked out before and that was scary! You've been out for 4 hours, Steve. I know that you're a superhero but you can still get hurt or die. I hate being on the sidelin-" Alex was half way through ranting when she turned her head to look at Steve, who was smiling at her. "What on Earth are you smiling about?" Placing her hands on her hips, she stopped at the end of the bed waiting for an answer.

"You care." He said in a smug tone. She tilted her head to the side, giving him a look.

"Okay you clearly have a concussion." She sat on the bed again, rolling her eyes at her silly boyfriend. "Of course I care. I love you, you idiot." She swatted his hard chest, making him wince slightly as his body was still sore. She laid a hand on his chest to apologise but he grabbed it, using her hand to pull her forward. She was practically on top of him, laying her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

"I love you too, you know." She lifted her head to look up at him. He leant forward to press his lips against hers softly. She resumed her position with her head on his chest, feeling the slight pressure of him kissing her hair. His arm wrapped around her, rubbing her back to gently send her to sleep. 

"This conversation isn't over." Alex sternly told him, feeling the rumble of his chest as he chuckled.

"I know." 

She couldn't stay mad at Steve Rogers. 

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