sunflower converse

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"Cody!" I yelled shaking Cody. "It's 8! We have to be at work in a half hour. Why aren't you up yet?" I shook him harder. He groaned. "Get up!" I pulled him by his arm out of his bed and onto the floor. As he laid on the floor complaining, I rummaged through his drawers trying to find his work shirt. I threw it at him. "Let's go!" I yelled.

"It's way too early for this. Who is even at the mall at 8 in the morning?" Cody complained.

"I don't know... the elderly? Just hurry up and get in the car. We can't be late." I said.

"Okay! I'm going, I'm going!" Cody groaned.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" Henry smiled looking over me. I jumped up out of my bed, very very startled. What the hell was wrong with him? Why was my big brother acting like a 1970s housewife? Wow, that's a frightening image.

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" I said pulling my blanket over my shoulders. It was Saturday. On Saturdays, Henry slept until twelve, made himself pizza rolls, and then returned to his room where he screamed at his friends as he played video games until at least five o'clock. Not only was he awake before noon... he was smiling. The air smelled like pancakes. Did he make pancakes? This made no sense whatsoever.

"I made blueberry pancakes! Come downstairs when you're ready," he said leaving the room and running down the stairs like I was going to chase him.

I kicked my shoes into my slippers, pulled on an oversized sweatshirt, and unraveled my curly hair out of its bun to reveal an explosion. I quickly tamed my hair and followed Henry.

Henry whistled as he flipped the pancakes. Country music played in the background. "You're playing country music...?" I said. Now, this was unusual. "You hate country music,"

"Yeah but you love it," Henry replied. I scanned the room looking for my parents. They were slumped on the couch drinking coffee and watching Dr. Oz.

"What is going on?" I asked. I looked over to my parents. "Dad? Mom?"

"Shhh! Dr.Oz is talking about the benefits of pomegranate juice!" my mom shushed. The door swung open. Jenna and Ty strolled into the house wide awake.

"Can someone tell me what is happening?" I asked. Ty, Jenna, Henry, and my parents looked at each other.

"Emergency Fun Day!" Jenna and Ty said at the same time.

"Hello and welcome to Journeys. My name's Noah. Let me know if you need anything!" I called to the couple walking through the door. I was right; they were old people. I knew it! I continued to organize the Sketchers by shoe size in the front display. I don't know how but every single day they are even more messed up than the day before. I felt an aggressive tap on my shoulder.

"Hello? Are you deaf? I asked for this in size ten!" the old man screamed in my ear. My manager ran out when he heard the yelling.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I will go get that for you right now. Noah, please follow me to the back." my manager said with a grunt. I followed him into the back room, trying to keep up with his angry speed walk. "What was that? He asked six times! If you can't handle working with the customers, I have employees that would kill for your job."

"It won't happen again," I assured him.

"It better not." he groaned. "Get back to work."

Jenna and Ty always knew what to do to cheer me up. They've had years of practice.

And before I knew it Ty, Jenna, and I were at the mall. "I hear there's this new place here that has really good shakes," Jenna said as we studied the food court.

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