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Mirrors & Windows

Mirror, mirror on the wall
To whom I asked whose the fairest of all
I can stand in front of it for about an hour
Yet to face my real self I cower

Warmth walks in via window to wish and wake
If only my soul was transparent not opaque
Hegemonized by the sunshine's glare
Sometimes it seems as if it's not even there

But the question that remains
Is the one which no one usually entertains
At first it may seem simple
But deep down in my mind it sits like a dimple
'What should be our notion?'
Let's do it with mirrors or should we have a window to set things in motion

Well, a window would be apt
In fact a better view of world helps us accordingly adapt
To behold what's happening around
And face up to many who have miseries abound
A mirror won't make a good choice
For we are engrossed so much in ourselves that we hear no voice

However, a mirror might be the better way out
As that vital reflection has been absent throughout
Pointing fingers to others is surely an easy  task
But by putting a window into service, our own demons we fail to unmask
It gives us time to take a pause
Out of which life-changing could be what one withdraws.

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