Entry 2: The Tumor Expands

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"Hello? Do I know you?" She said in reply. I was taken aback, I couldn't have been less prepared for this type of response. How the hell do I decipher such an alien language such as this one?

I took a deep breath and sighed and decided to pull up Google Translate from an another tab with a great deal of haste, It seemed like the ideal course of action if you would ask me. But with that scenario at hand I couldn't help but feel my heart beat extremely fast, hundreds of thoughts came flooding my head, is this it? The girl that will save me from this grave illness that I'm suffering from? Is this my destiny?

I decided to shove those thoughts away for the moment, I need to come up with a witty yet somewhat of a flirtatious response while maintaining a decent enough English vocabulary and grammar. This might look super ridiculous to you but I am a complete amateur when it comes to this part. So after pulling up Google Translate I typed in those indicpherable words that she had sent me with an evidently shaky hands.

Ah, now I knew what she meant...

She obviously doesn't know me yet, of course. So I need to introduce myself somehow without coming off as an immediate creep while keeping balance as to not come off as the world's most uninteresting person in whole India.
And that's not even the hardest part of it, because if you remember what my ulterior motive behind this, is that I simply do not want to die from my cancer and by doing so I need some what Westeners call the "bobs n vegana pics" or from what I've learned in slang terms in English (after a few hours of sleuthing the internet for research...) Is also called "pusy or tit pics". And in some way I will need to work my way up to this girl to gain her trust to send me the only remedy from this great predicament I am faced with.

I realized that it was already 4 minutes had passed away from her last message and I need to construct the most perfect of all grammar out there. Damn! She must be getting bored from waiting for a reply. Then finally...

The final product; my reply " Hello cute bb im prabhat form India haha how are you from living? u r butiful girl i see best ever". Not a too shabby response in my opinion but also not too bad considering that pressure is stacked upon my shoulders by a ton.

Oh crap! Pretty sure I made a few mistakes along my response as I was typing fuck it should be a "from not form" what the fuck, I am doomed and I guarantee that to myself. Perhaps I should stop being too shaky when typing my message.

A reply came faster than I've anticipated "Ew no. Please politely go away and never talk to me again." And as if by instinct, only a few seconds later, I'm already typing what she had said to me on Google Translate and what I've seen on the translation completely broke my heart.

Was she not interested in me? Why does she think that? Didn't I do good enough for a first impression? Oh man... I need to plead with her I'm calling for a desperate measure here now and by the same procedure of typing my meticulously constructed response

I replied " please u no me not im need help i have sick and medicine I need from u bb pls dont be angree with me. i need ur pics of bob and vegana. do you play cricket?"

Without even a 30 second had passed and she replied with "Haha you are very funny, I'll give you that. I'm so gonna share this to Reddit for some easy karma points, Thanks so much!"

And almost immediately it followed up with a small grey text from beneath her previous message saying that I've been apparently "blocked" from messaging that girl. I was immensely filled by dissapointment.
I've just missed my greatest opportunity to save myself from this illness I have and it saddened so much it felt like nobody cares for me at all.

I caressed bulging tumor right in my backside and I can feel it expanding in a very gradual rate. Sometimes I'd feel it pulsating. I'm starting to lose hope. And my fate seems grim.

To be continued...

pls send bob and vegana pic pls (Sad Story)Where stories live. Discover now