Entry 3: My immortal bobs n vegana

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It has been two months since I started my futile seeking for bobs and vegana.
For each day of that two months, I've tried tirelessly to get ahold of white women from facebook. I am really starting to fear for my life. Pressure is on me, a doctor's appointment had disclosed me that a mere three months is all I have to work myself up for a pic of bobs and vegana and if I shall fail, then I doom my entire life along that as I bury it with me at my grave.

Now on to the nitty-gritty details of my seeking...

For the entire duration of my seducing, flattering and socially interacting with the white women, I've also been doing my homework, gathering data, meticolously studying all sorts of nuances and analyzing speaking patterns, particularly how they give me an initial hope but they still end up blocking me in the end. I have accepted it as part of my struggle to save my life, there's no way around it. And for that, I've locked myself away in my room fixating myself day and night on the interwebs; sleuthing and learning like an obsessed troglodyte, only coming out of my room to relieve my bladder and to satisfy my sustenance.

Not to mention how awful I felt during these days. Time is literally racing against me and these women just straight up refuse to cooperate. How can I not be frustrated? Why don't I just throw the towel and end my struggle?  I don't even know... sigh maybe one day I'd just slip off my sanity and decide that I'll pursue no more. But for now, I try not to get it to me. I may lose all of my dignity but at the very least, I won't lose my life to this illness. Just stay positive... Gotta stay positive...

Google translate had never been more helpful in my life more than I can imagine as I used it to its fullest extent to study the English language and perhaps maybe even a bit of Western culture as a bonus. Working hard is a virtue but working smart always undermines it all.

As Sun Tzu had said; "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." With that in mind, I allow myself to resume my pursuit for bobs and vegana pics, expecting an improved yield but then

One fateful evening... In the heat of it all...

Me:"gretings butiful girl. love you very much. i need your help hahahaha lol lmao! LMFAO 😂😂"


At this point I'm convinced that I've already messed up but I made big mistakes this evening. I made a mistake by further pursuing a fruitless endeavor.

Me:"oh pretty girl pelase me needs a help now"

Her:"spit it xeno filth what help is it you require, mere peasant?"

I have no idea what she's speaking! Is she not English? Time to deploy my contingency plan immediately!

Me:"Haahaaha LOL Lmao wat? wat language speking right now? you are? what??? LMAO 😂😂😂 do yu play cricket? baby deer?"

Her:"what the actual fuck are you on about? and whatever help is it you want, you're most unlikely to receive one from me"

Me:" pleaes, i need hurry help. pls undeetstand my bad english but i realy need pictures of your bob and vegana. i kill from sick cancer i have today. pictures is medicine for me Haha lol lmfao"


Her:"sure I'll give it to you, im not a stingy person"

Me:"rlesy? 😃😃😃"

Her:"yeah sure just copy this link ok?

I eagerly did so. I was convinced I've found my path so salvation when I was met with a pang of confusion as  a song blared to my ears...

"We're no strangers to love... You know the rules and so do I"

Is this some sort of puzzle? What? Why is this here? Why am I watching this? Will this lead me to yet another labyrinth of questions? By all means, if it's there to save my life. Then I shall endure it dutifully

Me: "hahah girl u are shy ? why give me no directly answer me? ahh very butiful music baby deer Lmao hahaha. where's the bob and vegana? Lol"

Her:" OMG im laughing so fucken hard right now. Is this for real? I can't even"

This conversation went on for hours relentlessly teasing me off her pics, my only cure as if waving a juicy steak in front of a starving african child so inhumane! So unjust! You'd understand how livid I am because right after toying with her prey for hours she not only blocked me but reported me to the Facebook authorities... This is what I came across to find a couple hours later.

 This is what I came across to find a couple hours later

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I am done for, for now... I'm serving a 30 day Facebook ban. They have no idea how they've just doomed my entire life. Alot could be learned in 30 days and now they're taking it all away like candy... I can't believe my eyes.

End log.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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pls send bob and vegana pic pls (Sad Story)Where stories live. Discover now