Chapter 1

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A group of what many referred to as "outcasts" were sitting together, laughing and eating in the cafeteria. There were three boys and one girl, the girl had purple and pink hair with round, Harry Potter esque glasses. She suddenly jumped up, slamming her hands down on the table. "Guys! I have the best idea!" she yells, causing a teacher to glare at her, she glares back and returns her attention to her friends, a massive grin upon her face. One of the boys looks up at her and raises an eyebrow, he had a half shave with curly purple and green hair along with rectangular glasses, "What exactly is that idea, Kris?" he questions, the other two looking up at her as well. "Well... I was thinking, we always go looking for adventures, so why don't we go explore the old forest that leads to the abandoned city?" she says, her dull blue-grey eyes lighting up with determination. One of the other boys immediately shut the idea down, he had black hair and an e-boy aesthetic, "Hell to the fuck no. We aren't getting ourselves killed for that bullshit. I'm sorry Kris, you know I love you but it's not happening." he says firmly, there was clearly no room for an argument. Kris sank back down into her seat, her eyes becoming dull and sad once again. "But Tyler... it'd be fun!" Kris said, knowing that if they went to the forest and into the city they wouldn't return unless in a casket. The final boy at the table finally said something, "We totally should though! Like Kris said, it'll be fun. Near death experiences, fun creek to eat lunch at, y'know, other stuff." he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck as he didn't know much about the place besides the woods.  Tyler pinches the bridge of his nose. "Quynton, no." he says in a low growl. He wasn't happy about this as he lost his dad to the abandoned city nicknamed "Scar city." Quynton and Kris pout, and in unison begin to speak, "Please~!" they beg, elongating the word. David sighs and laughs. "C'mon Ty, they won't give up you know that." he sighs contently. Ty finally gives in, due to Kris being his best friend and Quynton his boyfriend. "Fine. Kris, get shit together, we'll do this after school." He looks at Kris as she smiles wildly and jumps up with excitement. Tyler assigns them all jobs, specifically Kris and David. They are to gather all of the supplies before school ends, which David protests to as he doesn't like to skip. 

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