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Who are you again?" One of the Zeru guards boomed. He was extremely large, towering over Zoey, arms crossed, frowning. The last rays of the setting sun cast a dark shadow over him. His silver metallic armor twinkled, and was lined with purple diamonds.

Zoey took a big gulp. "Um, Zeru, Sir, I am, here to see, the, um, ah...... the Twilight Princess?" The end sounded a bit more like a question. She shook nervously, standing by for a reply. After a few minutes of waiting, the Zeru finally said, "You are not allowed here, dewdrop."

'Dewdrop' was a term often used for children and teens in the kingdom and it's outside area. Zoey nodded, and walked off. What now? Should she sneak in? It would be going against the rules, but Zoey didn't much of a choice.

She sneaked over the side wall of the magnificent architecture, hovering over a nearby bush. There were no people in sight. The town was a ghost town. Zoey figured that they were probably all hidden in their homes.

It started to get dark out. The crickets started chirping. Zoey was just about to climb up to the nearest window, when a cold hand touched her shoulder. She almost jumped right of her skin, and hesitantly turned around. Shivers shot up her spine. She had been caught. It was over.

A hooded woman with very pale skin and dark red lips faced Zoey. Her black hood covered her eyes and hair. Her lips curved into a smirk. "Well hello dear," she said. "It's getting late. Shouldn't you be home?" There was a pang of excitement and mischievousness in her voice.

Zoey took a step back, scared. "I was just about to leave—"

"Wait! Dear, why don't I walk you home. It would much safer that way." By the sound of her voice, it certainly didn't sound that way. This woman was very mysterious, and Zoey didn't trust her.

"I know why you're here......Zoey."

Zoey gasped. "How did you know my name?"

The woman walked around Zoey, circling her. Zoey shuttered with fright. "I know a lot of things," the woman exclaimed. She stopped walking, and stood in front of Zoey. She was very tall and slender. She placed her hands on her hips. Zoey noticed her very long, black pointed fingernails.

"Listen, I know you're here to save your friend from harm. I can help. But I'm going to need something in exchange," she told Zoey. Zoey still didn't trust this woman. She literally came out of nowhere! "I know a secret passage into the castle," she offered.

Zoey looked up at the spiraling towers floating above her. Then she looked down at the dark, shadow covered snow, and signed. "What do you want in return?" She huffed.

The woman tapped her black nail against her cheek, pretending to think. "You."


"Yes. You. That's what I said," she signed. "You kids really need to listen."

"I'm not giving you me. Are you crazy?"

"A deal's a deal."

"Alright fine. Whatever. Just show me the way."

"I knew you couldn't resist," the woman grinned. "Follow me." She flipped her cape and trotted towards the back of Twilightija Palace, Zoey following close behind. "Hurry up dear, we need to fulfil the Pro-"

Zoey shot her a confused look. "I mean, we need to save your friend." As soon as they reached the back of the marvelous structure, the woman pointed up to a balcony window. "We climb up and enter through there."

Zoey nodded. She wasn't actually going to hold up her end of the bargain. No, definitely not. After she and Aria were reunited, they would just run back to the cottage. Then this whole mess would be cleared up.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind filled the frosty air of the night. It started to get really windy. "What's going on? Why is it so windy?" Zoey had to yell over the wind.

"There's a storm coming. Come on, let's go." The woman climbed up the wall, using old stones that were starting to come out to hold on to. Zoey had totally forgotten about the storm. What were they supposed to do now? They couldn't just wait for the storm to pass. That could take hours. John and Marie were probably freaking out right now.

Hands trembling, Zoey grabbed onto to the stones one by one, pulling herself up. One of the stones almost fell out, but luckily she still managed to reach the top. As she did, she expected to see the woman there, lending a hand to help her up. But that wasn't the case.

The woman was nowhere to be seen. Zoey figured something was up. But she still continued on. She pulled herself over the balcony, arms shaking from all the pressure. Gold embodied designs were on double doors that sat on the balcony.

Zoey tried to pull the knob, but it seemed to be locked. Just then, the knob turned on its own. Zoey stepped back, arms in front of her to use as a shield if necessary. The woman popped her head out. "Thought it would be useful if you could actually get in," she said. Zoey sighed with relief.

She almost didn't recognize the woman due to the fact she wasn't wearing the hooded cape anymore. Instead, she wore a coffee-brown silk dress, with matching flats. She had hazel long hair with gray stripes. It was mostly straight, with some little waves in the front. It was pretty thick, and poofy at the bottom ends. She also had dark cheekbones. Her eyes almost looked yellow. "Well, hurry up. Let's go," she called in the doorway.

Zoey stopped. "I don't think I caught your name," she proclaimed.

The woman stopped. "My what?"

"Your name."

"I don't have one."

"Everyone has a name."

"Not me."

"Why not?"

"My parents abandoned me."

"Who were your parents? What happened?"

The woman's face grew a bright red, like a ripe tomato. She looked like she was about to explode. "Enough," she snapped. "Now let's go find your pathetic friend before I feed you to the wolves."

Zoey was silent. She followed like she was told, careful not to pull the trigger. That is, if she hadn't already.

.                                                                                        ......

They were currently in the East Tower, and the room they were just in looked like an abandoned bedroom. In the trash laid ripped photos and stuffed animals. The room was then dark, with the only light source being the full moon outside. Ripped paintings hung on the walls. Zoey could only make out the shape of one of them: a painting of a young teenage girl.

She had long, straight dark hair with bangs. Her eyes were chestnut with a glint of light shimmering on the pupils. Her eyes looked full of hope, yet, kind of sad. She tried to force a smile though. She had extremely pale skin, almost as white as the snow. A silver necklace with a dark blood red diamond pendant hung around her neck.

The balcony doors were surrounded on each side by tattered curtains. The room's had a mysterious atmosphere to it, and Zoey oddly felt a connection to it.

Zoey and the woman climbed down the spiraling stone steps of the tower. At the bottom stood a large wooden door that had several locks on it. "I'll take care of this," said the woman, pushing in front Zoey towards the door, looking determined. "Stand back." She closed her eyes and held up her arms. Zoey stood back like she was told.

For a second, nothing happened. Then, all of a sudden, magical blasts shot from the woman's fingers. They hit the door, forming into one magic ball of fire. The door fell down to the ground with a thud.

"Ready?" The woman asked, turning to Zoey. She looked in shock.

"How did you—

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Putting her hands on her hips, she held her head up high, looking proud and satisfied. "Now are you ready?"

All Zoey could manage was a nod. Time to save Aria.

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