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voice mail #3
october 11, 6:02 am

"hey borim, i'm walking to school right now. since it's so early in the morning, it's very quiet here so i decided to leave you a voice message. i don't want jungkook ruining my voice mails again...

"anyways, i remember you telling me that the world would be a better place without you... so, here's the second reason why you shouldn't kill yourself. IT WON'T!

"the world would be HELL without you. it would never be the same without your voice, your laugh, your scent,

"you don't know how much i miss those... i miss hearing your voice... everytime i hear you talking or singing, all my stress goes away. i mean like, you're not a good singer, you're horrible, but it's okay.

"i'm just kidding! i just miss your voice so much. i miss your laugh... you don't know how contagious your laugh is. oh god. everytime you say a so-not-funny joke, you still manage to make me laugh because you keep on laughing at your own joke.

"you could tell me millions of jokes and i wouldn't mind if it would mean i could get to hear your laugh again... i just miss it so much. i also miss smelling you...

"wait, that sounded weird. but you know what i mean. i miss your scent. you know, i went to the store yesterday to buy your favorite cologne. i'm wearing it today, by the way. because it makes me feel like you're still here. beside me...

"without you here, life just fucking sucks, borim. it's hard. it's really really hard... so please.. come back, okay? please come home."

my heart broke into millions of pieces as the voice mail ended. i sighed,

if only you know i'm also wearing your cologne, jimin.

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