2 weeks

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Todoroki background kinda thing yeah just go with it

2 weeks

It's been 2 weeks since my 'father' has allowed me to have food. And 2 weeks since I got into u.a. coincidence, I think not. He told me I would be a better hero, but honestly I don't want to be a hero. I've never really been allowed to leave my house, the only 'hero' I know is my 'father' and he abuses and rapes me every chance he gets. So I guess you could say I don't like heros.


todoroki pov (story officially starts here)

I wake up to a punch in the gut. I open my eyes to see my 'father' and to see blood. "CLEAN YOURSELF UP BRAT THEN GO TO SCHOOL AND I WANT YOU HOME IMMEDIATELY AFTER" I nod my head and get up. He doesn't like when I speak so I usually don't. I leave the training room, which I seemed to have passed out in the night before, to head to my room and change. I go into the bathroom that connected to my room and lock the door. I look in the mirror and slowly take off my shirt wincing in pain. My body's covered in burns, bruises, and cuts. Some of which I did to myself. I'm also ridiculously skinny. I finish taking my clothes off then hop into the shower. I flinch when the water hits my skin, it burns,  but I ignore the pain and wash the blood off my body. A few minutes later I get out and put a towel around my waist. I go into my room and grab my uniform. I glance at my clock to realize there's 15 minutes before school starts. I quickly change wincing as I put my blazer on, then hurry to school. I run to u.a. so I'm not late, but I'm late anyways. When I get to the gates I except my fate and slowly walk to class. I figured since I'm already late it can't get any worse right. I get to the door to class 1A and debate weather to actually go in. But I know if I don't my 'father' will get mad. I open the door only to be greeted with stares. I try not to make eye contact with anyone and keep my head down as I head to my desk. I see something in my peripheral vision and it looks like someone's gonna hit me. Subconsciously I flinch. I turn around with my arms up only to see Mr. Aizawa standing in front of me.

"Todoroki why are you late" he asks me. Man I hope he doesn't ask why I flinched.

"I woke up late sir" I said loud enough that only he could hear me. I guess it wasn't exactly a lie. I did wake up later than usual due to blood loss. But he doesn't need to know that.  He looked at me and nodded.

"sit down, class is about to start, don't be late again" I nod my head then go to my desk. The lesson starts and I'm not even paying attention, I'm thinking about what's gonna happen when I get home, since I was late my 'father' is probably gonna do something really bad. I hope he's not home or that aizawa didn't count me late. I guess I spaced out for the entirety of class because I'm snapped back to reality when the lunch  bell rings. I slowly gather my stuff and just happen to be in the classroom after all the students left. They never really talked to me but I guess that's fine, then they won't find out I don't eat, it's better this way. Anyway I'm about to leave the classroom when I'm dragged back in with what looks like a piece of fabric. Mr. Aizawas capture tape thing. Oh no what did I do wrong. I start panicking as I'm being drug closer to the raven haired teacher. When I'm put down I'm write next to him, drowning in anxiety. I feel myself start to breath quickly and don't know what to do. Mr. Aizawa doesn't seem to notice and I hope he doesn't. "Todoroki why weren't you paying attention during class." He said. I try to speak but no words will come out. I quickly grab a pen and paper, because I don't think he knows sign Language, and write; sorry sir, it won't happen again. He looks at me confused. "I know you can speak kid." I nod then look down. Well guess my life's gonna be ruined now. But it's fine I could really care less. I start fumbling with my hands hoping that this conversation will end soon. He sighed "try to pay attention in the future, come to the teachers lounge after classes and speak with me but for now go to lunch." I nod then quickly gather my things and race out of the room. He wants to see me after classes now. This day couldn't get any worse. Now my 'father' will really be mad. I start shaking as I make my way to the boys bathroom. Because of course my 'father' doesn't pay for my lunches. I go into a stall then sit on the floor deciding weather or not I want to go to see mr. aizawa after classes and risk being beat or raped by my 'father', or not seeing him then getting in trouble tomorrow for disobeying. I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I hear my stomach growl. Loud. I hold my stomach in pain. I guess not eating in 2 weeks does that to you. I get up and start to head back to class, deciding to talk with mr. Aizawa after class because my 'father' is gonna hurt me no matter what. I get into the room and it's empty, I head to my desk then sit and wait. A couple minutes later some people walk in, a kid with fluffy green hair, I think is name is Midoriya, approach's me.

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