Landslide of emotions

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Aizawa pov

On the drive to my house todoroki is silent the entire time. He just looks out the window and says nothing. This must be hard for him, I mean I've only know the kid for a little over 2 weeks and now he's in my care. That would be hard on anyone. When we finally arrive I pull into the driveway. I get out of the car and wait for todoroki to get out, then we both go to the door and I unlock it. He follows me in and I go put my bag on the counter. I turn around and he's still by the door. "You can set your stuff down anywhere kid, I still have to clean up the spare room a bit." He nods his head slightly then puts his bag by the door. I head to the room across from mine and start clearing boxes out of it. Even though I moved In here a couple months ago I still haven't completely unpacked. I move the boxes into my room so I can sort through them later then go back to the living room. "Hey kid grab your stuff and follow me" I say motioning for him to follow. He nods his head and grabs his stuff. We go to the room and he looks amazed. He looks at me then hugs me. I'm guessing he likes it. "So is it okay then" I ask.

"I've never had a real room" he mutters loud enough for me to hear.

"well I hope this is okay, also when your done unpacking come find me okay" he nods his head okay.

Todoroki pov. Also like sorry that's all phrased weird, I've been busy and had to write that quickly

after aizawa leaves a start to unpack my stuff. I have a couple of outfits and my uniforms, some books, my school bag, and a box cutter. You can probably guess what that's for... anyway I take the books and put them on a shelf next to the bed, then put my clothes away and hang my uniforms up. I shove the box cutter in my bag so aizawa won't find it. The room looks much nicer than my old one. I used to sleep on a mat on the floor but now I have a bed. I leave the room and look for aizawa. I quietly walk into the living room and find him on the couch. As if knowing I was there he turned around. "You done unpacking kid" he asks. I nod my head. "Then go change into normal clothes, where gonna go out" I look down and notice I'm still in my uniform. I nod my head and head back to my room. Wow my room. Just thinking that is weird. I get to my room and change into a white hoodie and black ripped jeans. I head back to the living room to find aizawa waiting. "Well let's go" I nod my head and we leave.

Time skip to the heckedy hecken mall

Still todorokis pov

    we walk into the mall and I immediately tense up. People are staring at me. Oh god they know who I am. I guess aizawa notices because he grabs my arm and pulls me next to him. "Just stay close and don't give people the attention they want" I nod my head and we continue to walk. He goes into a store that sells kinda edgy clothes. It's called cold topic. (If you read my last book you would understand) there's not very many people In here and aizawa let's go of my arm. "You can look around and pick up whatever you want, just don't leave the store without me Okay" I nod my head and begin to look around. There are a lot of hero shirts in here. I pick up a couple with all might on them. I continue to look around when someone comes up to me. They have there good up and I can't see who it is.

"todoroki shoto" the guy says. When I don't answer he grabs my arm with 4 fingers. "Answer me"

"d-do I know you" I say quietly. He pulls down his hood. Tomura Shigaraki. Welp I'm in trouble. He starts walking away with me in his grasp and I have no choice but to follow. As I'm being forcefully pulled out of the store we pass aizawa and I grab his hand. He looks at me then says.

"tomura shigaraki let go of my kid you filthy hand man" of course that just made him angrier.

"he's not your kid Eraserhead, and I will have my fun with him now leave me be or the boy gets it." He starts to place his 5th finger on my arm.

"help" I try to say. Aizawa looks at me then the stuff in my arms, right If we leave the alarm goes off and hopefully he runs off. While still making contact with the hand man aizawa gets the attention of a worker.

"hey worker guy this guy over here is trying to kidnap my kid and I can't use my quirk without your permission." He yells. When the worker looked over shigaraki ran. God I'm so useless I almost got kidnapped. Aizawa and the worker come up to me. I guess I looked scared because they seemed to be trying to comfort me but I couldn't hear them, I then noticed my breathing became really fast. And now I'm crying. Great. Not only am I useless in a freaking baby. God aizawa should've let him kill me. I notice that aizawa is now hugging me. And we are sitting on the floor now. When did that happen. After a bit my breathing slows down again and I can hear aizawa telling me I'm gonna be fine. Fine. I'm not fine.
when aizawa notices that I've calmed down he gets up and helps me up. "You okay kid" I shake my head no. "Okay, let's pay for this stuff then leave" I nod my head. We go to the register and the worker asks me if I'm okay, he also said called security to look out for shigaraki. We pay for the stuff and I notice that aizawa got a couple other things. As we leave he hands me a Beenie. "Put it on to hide your hair kid, you'll get less stares" I nod my head and put it on. We walk out of the store and I did in fact get less stares. That's good I guess. We get in the car and head back to Aizawas place.

Soo this is short and crap and I'm sorry. I've been really busy and a lot has happened in the last week soo yeah. Also this was really hard to write and I don't know why

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