Living with a teacher

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The next day at like 10 am~

    todoroki pov

    I wake up expecting to be threatened again. But when I open my eyes nothing looks familiar, well except the scruffy man sitting in a chair next to the bed. I try to remember what happened yesterday but I can't. Why am I here. Did my 'father' take it too far this time. What happened. And why is mr. aizawa here. I try to sit up but I feel like I'm being stabbed. I let out a whimper of pain and hold my side. Almost immediately after that the teacher next to me shot his head up. "Todoroki your awake." I nod my head. What happened sir I signed. " don't remember" I shake my head. "Well what do you remember?" I think for a moment. Sir, I remember going to see you after classes then everything after that is a blur. "Oh well then I guess you get the good news twice" good news. Why would I have good news. "But I'll only tell you after you eat, I'll be back in a moment with some food" and with that he left the room. I guess I was Hungry but I don't think I can eat. I look around the room I'm in and realize it's recovery girls office. What happened last night that made me end up here. A few moments later mr. aizawa and the kid with the fluffy green hair walked in. I sat up despite the pain and looked at them both. Why was Midoriya here. He doesn't know me.

"hey t-todoroki, how a-are you" the greenet asks me. I look at him then back at aizawa. I don't have any paper and don't know if he knows sign language. Mr Aizawa seems to notice my situation.

"Midoriya do you know sign language" aizawa asks him. He nods his head. "Good" I look at Midoriya then sign could be better I guess. He nods. Mr aizawa hands me a plate with food on it then sits down. Midoriya sits in the chair next to him. I look down at the plate of food mr aizawa gave me. Eggs, toast, and bacon. The smell itself makes me want to vomit. I haven't been around food or eaten in two weeks and I don't think I can stomach this. Apparently I had been starring at the food for a white because mr. aizawa tapped my shoulder. Which made me flinch. I looked  then at Midoriya, they both seemed concerned. "Todoroki, you need to eat" mr aizawa says. set my plate down then sign; sorry sir but I'm not hungry. Which was a lie but I couldn't eat. "Don't lie to me, I know that you haven't eaten in a while so at least try...please" it was like he really cared, but of course he didn't. If the press found out that teachers weren't caring for there students u.a. would be targeted. It was all a lie. It had to be. But despite my thoughts I know I need to eat, I sigh then take a small bite of toast. I try to swallow it but I can't. My body won't let me. I put my hands over my mouth as I start gagging. At this point tears are streaming down my face. I'm such a loser, can't even eat properly. Mr aizawa looks really worried and grabs a trash can putting it in front of me, and tells Midoriya to leave. So Midoriya leaves, hopefully he doesn't tell people what happened. I grab the trash can from my teacher and proceed to vomit stomach acid. Oh god it burns so much. But it's nothing I can't handle I guess. After a bit I don't feel like throwing up anymore and wipe my mouth on my sleeve. Though last I checked I was wearing a uniform not a sweater. I looked down to realize I'm wearing one of mr. Aizawas trademark black sweaters. I look up at him in panic.

"s-Sorry" I say quickly. He slowely puts his hand on my back to not startle me.

"look kid it's not your fault, and the sweater washes so it's not a big deal. Now do I need to get recovery girl or do you think you'll be okay."

"I-I think I'm good" wow now I know why I use sign language so much, I'm a stuttering mess. Stupid me can't even speak right.

"okay, well I guess I can tell you the good news now, since you at least tried to eat something. Last night you confirmed that your father abused you and me, mic, and midnight got him arrested" my eyes widen. I told him my 'father' abused me. Why would I do that. Now I'm gonna be in more trouble next time he sees me. He might kill me this time. Wait if he's in jail do I go into the system. No one wants a broken kid. What's gon-. My thoughts where cut off by mr aizawa. "Kid calm down, your allowed to stay with me until further notice so once recovery girl releases you were gonna get your stuff then head to my place, does that sound good" I nod my head. I don't know if I'm Actually happy or not but oh well.

Five hours later~

Aizawa pov

Todoroki had fallen back asleep, I'm sure he's exhausted. I'm about to call mic when recovery girl walks in. She looks at me then at todoroki. "Aizawa I would like to speak with you" she says. I nod my head then get up following the short lady into the hall. She closed the door then looked at me. "When he wakes up you can leave, I'm not allowing him to come to school for 48 hours and if I see him here you will hear about it got it."

    "yeah okay I won't let him come to school for a bit, anything else."

    "you need to make sure he eats, if anything at least a glass of milk or something, he probably won't be able to eat solids for a while since his body isn't used to it"


    "Also, check his arms daily, some of the scars he had where not from his father, they where self inflicted" wait. This kid hurts himself. And I thought Midoriya was a problem child. I need to help this kid. "And please don't yell at him, who knows what he had to go through"

    "okay, I'll be back, if he wakes up before I return tell him I went to talk to nedzu" she nods her head and I head to nedzus office. I walk in and see him at his desk. "Nedzu I would like to take the next couple of days off" I say getting straight to the point.

    "what's the occasion aizawa"

    "todorokis staying with me and I don't want to hear recovery girl yell at me for not taking care of him"

   "oh okay, tell todoroki I hope he's doing better" he said smiling

    " I will" I left the room and headed back to see if todoroki has woken. When I get there I hear talking from inside the room. I walk in to see all might, Midoriya, and recovery girl talking to a now awake todoroki, Though he wasn't taking much. They all look at me and todoroki smiles. "You ready to go home kid" I ask him. He nods his head. He starts to get up when I notice him wince in pain, probably from all the burns and bruises. "You okay" he looks at me and nods again.

    "aizawa this is a good thing your doing for young todoroki" all might says to me.

    "yeah well what else was I gonna do, now if you excuse us we're leaving" it's not that I hate all might, but he's loud and I enjoy the quiet. Most of the time. I also just didn't want him to talk about me being soft. I grab todorokis school bag and we leave the room, him following behind me. We get outside and head to my car. "So where's endevors house kid" I'm gonna try not to call him his father. He doesn't answer so I'm guessing he doesn't want to talk, but then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I stop and turn around and he hands me a piece of paper. It has the address on it. "Thanks" he nods. We get into my car and I head to the address he wrote down. Todoroki is quiet the whole ride. He looks like he's thinking about something but I don't want to ask what. When we get there I pull into the driveway and get put. Todoroki gets out slowly and keeps his head down. "Do you have a key?" He nods his head. We walk up to the door and he unlocks it. The secon he opens it I hear screaming.

    "SHOTO IS THAT YOU" a feminine voice says. Then I see a girl with white and red hair run to the door. Must be his sister. Hey fuyumi. He signs. "Still not talking I see, anyway where where you I was worried, did you hear what happened" she then looked at me. "Oh you must be mr. aizawa, shotos teacher yes?"

    "yes, and because of recent events I have custody of him" she looked at me with wide eyes.

    "WHAT" I see todoroki flinch when she yells. "Why wasn't I told, no one called me, I can visit right" so she's just worried

    "yeah you can visit, I'll do what I can to keep him safe, now of you don't mind where here to get his stuff." She nods her head then moves away from the door so we can go inside. I see todoroki practically run upstairs. I slowly follow him. I can hear his sister still mumbling about how he's moving, she's much more talkative then him, I wonder why. I walk down a hallway and look for todoroki. I see an open door and go to it. I peer in and see him throwing clothes into a bag. His room is bare. He doesn't have a bed or any decorations. He finished getting clothes and grabs his bag and turns to me. Let's go. He signed. I'm gonna guess he doesn't want to be here. "Okay kid." We walk down the stairs and say our goodbyes, well I do, todoroki just puts his head down and walks out the door. We get to the car and head to my house.

Ahhhhh tell me what you think about this, I have yet to get to any tododeku but it will be in later chapters I swear

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