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Anyone who tells you that your high school years are the best years of your life are lying. Okay, maybe some highschoolers have fabulous experiences with socializing with other humans, but I do not. Maybe they were one of the popular kids, strolling down the hallways of this fucked up high school with a Starbucks frappuccino in one hand and their boyfriend's hand in the other. Even then, I still don't understand how anyone could like high school. Sitting in class, picking at your nails while the teacher stands in front of room lecturing about how to write an essay the proper way. High school isn't great, especially when you're like me - a socially awkward in-the-closet lesbian. 

"Ow, what the fuck?!" Here I was, at it again, drifting off into my thoughts while walking down the hallway and accidently bumping, no, scratch that, crashing full force into someone in the hallway. This time, it was one of the popular girls, eyeing me like she wanted to slit my throat in my sleep or something. I muttered my apologies but that wasn't enough. She spat in my face, warned me to never bump into her again, like I did it on purpose or something, and stomped off with the rest of her snotty crew. One girl in the back of her crew gave me a look. It was a look I couldn't explain, it was almost as if she was apologizing for what her friend had done. We broke eye contact once they started to walk away, but I could still see her bright blue orbs staring into mine in the back of my mind.

"Come on babe, she's a bitch." I rolled my eyes as my best friend reached out her arms for me to grab onto to pull me off of the floor. Her short blonde hair rested on her shoulders and her hazel eyes peered into mine with worry. She was always so worried about me when really, there was no need for her to be. I was perfectly fine on my own without her help. 

"Thanks, but I'm fine," I grumbled as I stood up and bumped past her to walk down the hallway.

"Mia!" I heard her call my name and I rolled my eyes as she caught up to me. 

"Mia, come on, it wasn't that bad, it was an accident!" Emma called as she ran up next to me. She looked slightly pissed off that I'd left her in the middle of the hallway, then again, I didn't really care. 

"She screamed at me and everyone in the hallway fucking laughed at me," I retorted as I stuck my earphones into my ears, attempting to tune her out. 

"I guess. Anyways, did I tell you?! Jake is totally going to ask me out. I can just feel it, you know? Oh my god, what if he kisses me on Friday? Oh my gosh, I'm so bringing you to the party!

"Wait, what?" I tuned her out until I heard she was trying to bring me to a social gathering. I was probably the least social person in the entire school; to be caught at a party would completely wreck my reputation as the social outcast. 

"Come on, Mi! Imagine, you can find a cute boy and I'll be with Jake! Oh my god, maybe I'll set you up with Tyler!" She spoke so fast that I could barely comprehend what she was saying. Was she really trying to set me up with a boy? I felt myself cringe at the idea of going on a date with Tyler. Tyler was my best guy friend and nothing against him, but boys never were my style, if you're catching my drift. 

"Wait, Tyler?" I don't know why I flat out said no, but I could already feel a plan formulating in my head. 

"Oh my god, do you like him?! I can totally set you guys up! You guys would be so cute! How could I have not thought about this before?! I'm so-"

"Mia, I do not like Ty. He's my friend, you know, a girl and boy can just be friends right? Simply platonic. Oh, and please don't talk to him, I'll do it myself. " I could not believe that I was actually going to a party. I was going to the first party of senior year and god knows I was not ready. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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