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A/N: heyyy my lovessssss'! First I want to say thank you for the 11k <3

Don't worry about grammar mistakes, I'll correct them later! I really hope you enjoy this chapter 

Love youuuuu <3 


Jaebum woke up that day feeling dizzy and as something was wrong. He had reasons for it though. Jinyoung ignored all of his texts and calls for three days, Jackson avoided him and Yugyeom and Bambam were nowhere to be found. Only Mark was acting "normal".

He cooked his breakfast and ate it while watching some dance covers on YouTube. He wanted to text Youngjae but his boyfriend was probably asleep and he didn't want to wake him up. Instead he patiently waited for Mark to come to his place.

His mother woke up two hours later than him. She smiled as soon as she saw him staring at his phone. "Hey there, honey!"

"Hey mum!" he replied and put his phone aside.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I'm going out with Mark today. He told me he would pick me up so I'm waiting..."

She sat down by his side. "Where are you guys going?"

"No idea." He replied and sighed. " Everyone has been so weird lately..."


"Yeah..." Jaebum rest his head on his mother's shoulder. " They've been avoiding me and I have no idea why. I'm afraid they got tired of me."

"Why would they Jae? They love you. I've seen the bond you created and it is not something you can just get tired of." Mrs. Im smiled sweetly at him and push his hair back. " Don't overthink so much..."

Jaebum sighed again. "But they're everything that I have, mum...I cannot stop ignoring this feeling."

"Have you talked to Youngjae about it?" she asked sweetly.

"No, I don't want to bother him with this." He got up and looked directly at his mother. " I'm planning on meeting him next month. I miss him a lot."

"Do you need money?"

"No. I have money to go, don't worry." Jaebum smiled and held his mum's hand tightly. " Thank you, mum. For supporting my relationship."

"Jaebum, I know how love feels and I know Youngjae makes you feel really happy. You've smiled more, you've been genuinely happy ever since you met him. And my son's happiness has no price or gender. I know you were afraid to tell us but this is who you are and you didn't chose to be like this and I will always support you, my son. I love you. " she put her arm around his shoulder. " Just know I'm here, okay? And don't overthink this. Something must be going on but you'll fix it."

Jaebum smiled sadly. "You should go to work, mum. It's getting late..."

"You're right!" she exclaimed while she checked her watch. "Have a nice day!"

"You too!"

He saw his mother leave. Jaebum was happy that his mother and father supported him that much. He was really happy about it. He got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair. After half an hour Mark texted him saying he was waiting outside.

Jaebum got out of his house and entered Mark's car. Yugyeom was sitting on the front seat and Bambam on the back seat. Jaebum sat by his side and stared at him, looking mad.

"Where have you guys been?" Jaebum asked hoping that someone would answer him.

Bambam smirked. "Me and Yugyeom had some business."

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