"Will you?"

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*Jack's P.O.V *

" Why did you come back here?" Li asked me. "I came here to see you and to ask you a question." I felt myself get redder. "What did you wanna ask me?"

*Li's P.O.V *

"What did you wanna ask me?" I said a bit uneasy. "Look if you don't wanna I understand." Jack said after sighing. "If I don't wanna what?" I asked, my full attention on Jack, looking into his blue eyes. I kinda got lost in his eyes. "Li? Planet Earth to Li!" Jack said while moving his hand in front of my face. Must have been daydreaming for a few minutes... I pushed his hand out if the way. "Sorry." I said feeling sorry because I wasn't paying attention. "It's fine. So... will you?" Jack asked. "Will I what?" I asked looking confused. "Will you be my bae?" I felt tears swell up in my eyes. They were tears of happiness. " Yes!" I started to cry tears of happiness and I quickly enveloped Jack in a tight hug. He kissed my forehead and hugged me back. "I love you Jack." "I love you too Li."

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