3. step brother

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After dropping of Hyejin, Kai drove off to Sehun's place.

''so are you planning on telling me what the plan is for tomorrow?'' 

Sehun, who was laying down on the couch and staring at the ceiling, didn't bother to look over at his friend.

Kai sat down next to him as he was waiting for an answer.

Sehun closed his eyes for a minute, deep in thoughts. Once he opened his eyes, he finally spared a glance at Kai.

''I'm going alone''

He got up from the couch and walked out of the room, not waiting for Kai to say something because honestly, he wasn't going to change his mind no matter what Kai was going to say.

Kai's eyes followed him as a surprised and confused look on his face came and went.

It took a couple of seconds for Sehun's reply to dawn on him.

''wait, what?''

Kai followed Sehun to the kitchen and looked at him with knitted brows.

''what do you mean by going alone?''

Sehun grabbed a can of Cola out of the fridge and opened it, taking a sip of it.

''it means, I'm not taking the gang with me. I'm going to face Taejoon alone''

Kai laughs out loud, thinking that Sehun was just messing with him.

''you've got to be kidding right?''

Sehun's dead serious expression didn't fade from his face, making the smile on Kai's face disappear.

''please tell me you're kidding..''

Sehun walked passed Kai, heading back to the couch.

''Does it look like I'm kidding?'' 

Kai at this point was seriously questioning the sanity of his best friend.

Did the last punch he received really messed up his head or something?

''Sehun buddy, listen to me.. you do realize that Taejoon isn't going to be there alone right? he has all those men protecting him. there is no way you would even be able to lay a finger on him!''

Sehun half listened to his friend but wasn't going to change his mind.

''I'm tired of having my men hurt by those Geongdal bastards. I've been waiting for this chance for years now''

''you think you're not gonna get hurt by going there alone? For fuck sake Sehun, you're not made out of steel! You'll probably get killed straight away and then what? Taejoon will still be out there and you'll be dead''

The frustration in Kai was boiling over.

He couldn't understand what Sehun was thinking.

''whatever my deal with Taejoon is has nothing to do with you Kai'' Sehun answered him with a harsh tone.

''it has if my best friend dies'' Kai replied in pent-up anger.

Sehun didn't say anything in return and adverted his gaze from Kai to focus on the TV.

Kai knew that Sehun was hard-headed and wasn't going to change his mind. 

He sighed when he didn't receive any answer in return before speaking up again.

''at least tell me you're bringing a gun..'' 

Sehun's eyes immediately shot a glare at Kai, looking at him with an angry gaze.

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