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November 12, 2012, Los Angeles, California. It was the premiere of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2. All of the cast members were watching the movie; some of them were crying out of happiness while others were crying out of sadness. Taylor Lautner didn't know what to do. He honestly hated but also loved the series. He hated playing as Jacob Black because of how Jacob couldn't take the hint that Bella didn't love him the way he loved her.

Taylor's POV:
God I hated kissing Kristen. It's not that she's a bad kisser but it always felt like I was kissing my sister. I thought to myself. To be honest I hated the series at first but now I love it. I really wish I was in the Twilight universe as Jacob's twin brother but also as Bella's younger brother. I also wish that I was Jasper's mate and that he was my imprint.

Third Person's POV:
After the movie was finished, all of the cast members slowly walked out. Taylor Lautner was one of the last few out of the theater. Normally Taylor would ride in a limo to get back home, but for some reason he felt like he shouldn't ride it tonight. So he decided to go with his gut and pulled out his earbuds and pulled up Spotify on his iPhone and started his favorite song playlist. After four hours of walking towards home, he was about halfway there; but suddenly as he was walking a drunk driver ran into him. Taylor was thrown into the air by the force. The driver quickly drove off not caring that he could've killed someone. After what seemed like hours a car passed by, but quickly stopped.
Jackson Rathbone was driving home when he noticed someone on the ground. He quickly stopped and got out of his car. He gasped at the sight of Taylor Lautner lying in a pool of his own blood.

Jackson's POV:
I quickly called 911 when I saw that it was Taylor who was on the road. Not even a few minutes later an ambulance and a police car pulled up.
"Sir, could you please back away from the victim?" The EMT asked me and I numbly nodded and backed away.
"I'm sorry but can you identify the victim?" The policeman asked.
"His name is Taylor Lautner, I was on my way home from the premiere of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2.  When I saw someone lying in the road. I quickly stopped to check on the person. I called you as soon as I recognized my fellow cast member and friend. Now could you give me an escort to the hospital?" I answered the question as politely as I could. I looked over at the policeman when I asked my question. He quickly nodded and I ran back to my car and followed him to the hospital.
I ran in to the ER and asked, "Is there any information about Taylor Lautner???" I was a bit frantic considering I have been friends with him since the beginning of it all.

Third Person's POV:
The nurse looked at Jackson and nodded her head. She couldn't look him in the eye. "I'm sorry sir, but Mr. Taylor Lautner has passed away. He lost too much blood and went into shock before he could get here." The nurse told Jackson heavily. Jackson took out his phone and sent out a text that said , "I have tragic news to tell everyone. Taylor Lautner has passed away. He was hit by a drunk driver and he lost too much blood and went into shock on the way to the hospital." After he sent the text he got Taylor's room number and quietly went into Taylor's room where Jackson broke down.

Kristen's POV:
I rushed over to the hospital as quickly as I could. I asked for Taylor's room number and found Jackson sitting on the ground crying his eyes out. I looked over at Taylor and saw him covered in blood and I broke at the sight of not only my cast member but of also the guy that I saw as my younger brother. Jackson must have heard me because he got up and pulled me into his arms where I broke down sobbing.
"Why, why did this have to happen to him? Why did this have to happen to my brother." I asked between sobs.
"I don't know, Kristen. But I do know he's in a better place now." Jackson spoke up.

Third Person's POV:
As cast members came in and out of the room, no one noticed a speck of bluish gas come out from Taylor's mouth. The speck took everything in before shooting up towards the sky.

Blue Speck's POV
I shot into the air and traveled across dimensions before finally landing in the Twilight Dimension aka the Twilight universe.

No one's POV:
January 16th, 2005, Phoenix, Arizona. A blue speck shot down from the sky straight into a young teenager. Thankfully the teenager was in his room because he immediately collapsed.

Taylor's POV:
It hurts everything hurts. Slowly the pain went away and memories came pouring into my head. These aren't my memories at all. I looked around my room and noticed everything looked unfamiliar yet familiar. I walked out of my room and saw a picture of twin boys with a girl in the middle.
"Hey Taylor." I looked behind me and I saw a beautiful young woman looking at me. I noticed her faint smile. Bella the name came to me almost immediately.
"Hey Bellybutton." I replied to her. She blushed furiously at my nickname for her. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that, but I have something to tell you." I laughed when she said that.
"What is it?" I asked Bella. I already knew what she was going to say though.
"Tomorrow we're leaving for Forks." She replied nonchalantly and I nodded my head and went back to my room to pack. After what seemed like hours I finally finished packing.
"Night mom, Phill, and Bella." I called out and got a series of good nights back. I laid down on my bed excited to go back to Forks.

I hope you guys enjoy this novel. I'll try to be consistent with the updates.

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