Chapter One: One and only

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Jaimies POV

"Darling, Jamie your going to be late for your first day at school!" my mum all but yelled.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Black hair fading downward into blue then blue fading into a white-blond color on the tips, and silver eyes. A white spine long sleve top from hot topic, black ripped jeggings, and my black studded combat boots. I wouldnt consider my self skinny, but im deffinetly on the curvier side.

Running out of my room i swing my backpack on my back and grabed my board. I quickly ran down the stairs.

"Bye mum!" i yell running out of the door trying not to be seen im my outfit. I head twoards the sidewalk and jump onmy board. I plug my earphone in my ipod and starts listening to Falling in reverse 'Good girls Bad guys'. Seriously, it one of the astounding songs ive heard.

I do acually have friends in this school, its just i dont know them personally. I usually just group chat with all of them. A grand total of four; David, Damon, Jesse, and TJ. They dont know im going to start to go to school here because they still think im living in England. And they know i hate spoons. The devils.

AlI throughout the last week ive been asking questions like 'where do you sit in lunch?' or 'whats your schedule?' They must have thought i was going all stalker on them. I mean, its not like it hasnt happened before, but only a few times. I swear.

Stalker mode: ON

As i start nearing my new school i pull out my ipod to lower the music and change the band. As im doing extactly that i run into a blooding wall.

Gorden Bennent! I fall off my board and land on my arse. Bloody hell, is today going to get any better!? Looking up i noticed that i didnt hit a wall, but something along the line of it. They boy-no, man was practicly built like a boulder. With sandy blond hair and those rocks im pretty sure other blokes call 'muscles'. But for me they look like fucking rocks. Or maybe even boulders

Realizing i was staring openly i blush and brush my self off after i get up.

"Sorry," i say and try to pass around the man-boy but he just steps in the way. I try again to pass but he copies my steps.

"I think i lost my number can i possibly get yours?" he asked cockily. I must have had a 'what the hell?' look on my face because he suddenly explains. "I mean, look at you. Your probobly looking to only have a good time by the way you dressed like an emo freak." he states confidently. Damn, he must be one of the populars.

He is only provoking me. And im pretty sure i might lash back if he says one more fucking comment about the way i look. I have very good friends that like to dress like this and like the same music. That thought only fuels the fire burning inside of me.

I think he might have misinterpreted the look on my face a confusion because he explains, yet again. "You look and dress the same way the other emo-ish people do. Like the outcasts Damon and his friends," he babbles, "we pick on them because of it."

"You motherfucking wanker! Are you always this much of a prick!? You and all you skanky blokes can go fuck youselfs! Or better yet get your munter women to do that for you! Or are you a nancy-boy as well as you friends over there are?" i practicly scream at him. So much for first impresions.

I pick up my board and turn around. As im walking away i can feel many pairs of eyes burning holes in the back of my head. "Little piece of shite..." i mutter to myself.

Throughtout my first four periods i sit in the back of class and wait for the bell to ring each time. Thank the Lord the teachers dont try to introduce me to the class just yet.

A day to loveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя