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You shivered as the cold rain, mercilessly dropped on you. Your (h/c) hair dripped with water. You had been sitting on this alley, for almost an hour.

You remembered nothing from your memories. Even if you tried your best to remember, the result you get is always the same....a woman who's face is blurred out. Their voices were the same of a broken record's.

It was scary. To be alone, and not remembering anything.

You touched the wound on your forehead, it still bled. The pain stung as you touched it. Scared, alone, and so confused....you began to cry.

The rain had started to get harder, but the rain no longer fell on you. Curious, you looked up. There, a red umbrella sheltered you from the cruel rain.

You looked at the person, who held the umbrella for you.

He had white, bleached hair, his white sweater, was now wet from the rain. His eyes looked at you, with hope.

"Sugar...." He muttered as he looked at you, awestruck.

He took a step towards you, the umbrella still blocking the rain from you.

"What if he does something funny? Is he a threat? I don't know him... Is he a bad person?"

Scared of what he might do to you, you tried to crawl away from him, but a swell on your leg, didn't do any good to you.

You twitched in pain. With a worried look, he knelt down to be eye level with you.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you...." He said in a soft tone.

His voice was calming. You relaxed a bit, but was still wary. You have no memories, and do not recall anything but your name.

"You don't have a home to go home to .... don't you?" He said to you.

At the mention of home...you began to cry. You really do want to go home! You really want to remember something! But where can you go? There's no home that you can call your own, if you don't remember anything.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
He said. You looked up to him. His eyes were filled with worry.

By now, he was entirely wet.
"Do you....want to come with me?... I mean....if you want! It seems like you don't have anywhere to-" he stopped.

Slowly... slowly... the world was spinning. It made you dizzy,

Spinning. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning.

Your vision was spinning.

Then darkness engulfed your vision.


You felt warm all over your body. You haven't felt comfort, ever since you were in that little alley.

Your eyes opened. You were in a room. The room was clean, fluffy quilts warmed you. You glanced at the window, nearest to you. The sky was gray, the rain had still not stopped pouring.

Panic surged through your brain and body. Where were you? What happened? Your brain had a debate.

You touched the wound on your forehead, surprised that it was patched up. You flipped the quilts, and looked at your foot. The swell had been treated.

The door to your room suddenly creaked open.

It was that boy again! In his hand was a cup, steam drifting away from it.

"Your awake! Thank God! " He said, smiling, as he walked towards you.

He handed you the small cup. Cautiously, you took the cup. The cup contained a warm, steaming milk. You took a sip from the cup. You smiled as the milk's warmth flowed through your throat.

The boy suddenly turned around. His hand on his face.

You tilted your head to see what has happened.

"S-so.....uh...I didn't get your name...." He said, his back on you.

"Y/n." You answered in a small voice.

"This milk is good." You commented. He still didn't look at you. His back was still in front of you.

"I'm Sato..." He said.

"Your name....it means sugar...in Japanese....right?"
You said.

He turned his head. He looked at you. "Yeah... that's right." He confirmed.

You suddenly panicked.
"Sato! Your nose is bleeding!" You yelled.

Suprised, he touched his nose, and there was blood, gushing out. His pale, white face, had been really red too!

You laughed, as Sato struggled to find something to wipe the blood away.

Hot Milk Yandere boy x reader (old) Where stories live. Discover now