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Sato's eyes looked dull.

It's all gone.

Their dreams of escaping was now just wishful thinking.

"I'm....I'm so sorry, Y/n!" Sato wept.

Y/n looked at Sato, her eyes looked sad, knowing their situation.

"It's alright Sato." Y/n spoke up.

Sato stopped crying, and looked at Y/n.

"I don't mind wherever we go. As long as I get to be with you. That's what is important. I don't care if we die...all I care about now is you." Y/n said, smiling.

"Sato. No matter what happens, I just want to be by your side." Y/n said, looking straight at Sato's eyes.

Y/n swore she could see stars falling in Sato's red eyes.

"It's.... Sweet." Sato muttered.


The rooftop door exploded. The fire crept in faster, and the smoke rose up in the sky.

The two raced towards the edge of the building. The fire was still after them.

"Y/n....no matter what happens to us. Would you still be with me... Forever?" Sato asked.

Y/n nodded.

"I'll only spend my forever with you." Tears streamed down her face, yet she still smiled.

"Then... Come with me." Sato said, reaching out his hand to Y/n

Y/n held his hand. Then, Sato carried Y/n by his arms.

Sato's feet was now in the edge of the building.

Then all they felt now was the rushing wind.

As they both fall.... They both kept their eyes closed.

"Thank you...Y/n. Because of you... I finally know what real love is. You gave me sweetness. I love you so much."

Y/n opened her eyes, and looked at Sato.

Sato opened his, and looked at her.

Y/n gave a smile, so precious, that Sato smiled back.

"I love you Sato!" Y/n said, happily.

The wind howled through their ears. The gravity pulled them lower and lower.

I love you too.... Y/n.

The same as an angel who had fallen, fall from the skies, and drop down to the ground.

The two lovers dropped down to the ground.

And darkness embraced their vision.

Hot Milk Yandere boy x reader (old) Where stories live. Discover now