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The shrill screech of his phone ringing interrupts Mitch's restless sleep. Ever since the massive fight back on tour, combined with Scott not remembering him, Mitch had found it hard to sleep. To remember that he was human and needed to do baser things to keep himself living. Mitch couldn't remember the last time he had a decent night's sleep. Or a meal. He groans as the phone stops ringing but immediately starts up once again. He gets up, his back arching in a stretch, and pads out to the living. He frowns at the caller id; why would Mark be calling him? They had not been on speaking terms sine he had witnessed the fight. He picks up the phone, answering with a sleepy greeting. "Look, if it wasn't about Scott, I wouldn't even be talking to you." Mark hisses. Mitch winces as Mark's voice raises, pulling the phone away from his ear. The words register in his mind and he pulls the phone back to his ear hastily. "What about Scott?" He demands.

Mark remains silent and Mitch's worry and fears grow. "WHAT ABOUT SCOTT?" He yells into the phone.  "Oh, so now you suddenly care about him, huh? It sure didn't seem like you did months agao" Mark taunts. The cold cutting words Mark speaks sends a blast of ice towards his heart, encasing with ice. Mark sighs, the cruelness gone from his voice. "The reason Scott can't remember you is because his mind forgot the thing that was stressing him out, which so happened to be you."  Mitch's mouth drops in shock. He asks in a tremulous voice," Why was Scott driving so recklessly in the first place?" A beat of silence grows between them, Mitch's worry increasing as the silence continues. Mitch hears an "I don't know," from Mark. A horrible thought comes to Mitch's mind, one that he is afraid to voice but does any ways. "Do you think he remembers Pentatonix? Remembers any of us?" 

Mitch paces the room, an action he has done on many sleepless nights. Mark responds, "I don't know how much he remembers. It is a possibility that he could forget Pentatonix. I hope it doesn't come to that."  Mitch feels as though he is one  of the rides that has a trap door that opens beneath his feet; not knowing when the door would open and he would be launched down the ride. It was uncertain and scary, a world he didn't know how to navigate without Scott. "He has to remember," Mitch protested. "Pentatonix is his baby. He'll remember it, I know he will." 

Mark speaks again but Mitch hangs up on him, too numb and heartbroken to listen any more. He buries his head in his hands, weeping loud enough for the world to hear his heartbreak. He cries for one of the most precious friendship he lost. He cries for Scott, the person he could always depend upon and trust. He cries, surrounded by nothing but the darkness of his mind and the darkness of the night. 

Honestly, this is just going to get more angsty from here on out. What do you guys think of Scott and Mitch's friend ship? Can it be fixed, or is it unsalvageable? What do you think of Scott's actions?
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