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Scott tosses and turns restlessly. Beside him Mark awakens just as Scott jolts upward, an uneasy, prickling feeling coursing through his body as though something bad was about to happen. "What's wrong, Scotty?" A concerned Mark asks.  "I-I don't know." Scott whimpered fearfully.  "I just get this feeling that something bad is going to happen."  Scott barely notices when Mark wraps his arms around him and starts softly running his hands through his hair, too lost in thinking about what could be the cause of this ominous feeling.  Marks' hand works wonders and Scott can practically feel himself fall asleep, lured to sleep by the comfort Mark is providing.  Just as Scott's eyes are closing his phone blares loudly, ruining the serene and peaceful atmosphere.  

Scott answers the phone, grinning at the photo he finally recognizes as Matt.  He answers, his smile rapidly fading away as he listens.  He leaps out of the bed and rapidly pulls clothes on as Mark asks questions. "Look, I don't know.  All Matt said was to come to the Cedars- Sinai Hospital immediately."  At that Mark jumps up, offering him to drive.  Scott panics the whole way to the hospital. Thoughts of what could have happened to Kevin, Matt, Kirstin ran through his mind, all so horrible that he let out heart wrenching sobs.  Mark places  a calming hand on Scotts' knee and squeezes.  The drive to the hospital seems to take forever, though it is only twenty minutes.  They arrive and Scott dashes into the hospital, ignoring the receptionist until he finds the band standing in front of room, looking shell shocked.  "What happened? Are you guys okay?"  Scott goes to every member, inquiring about their health.  "Scott, we're fine. It's Mitch.  Matt went to check on him.  He found Mitch on the floor, a nearly empty pill bottle next to him." Kevin goes on to explain how Mitch blew up on them for not caring about him, then never answered their calls. "I had to go check on him," Matt said despondently.  He let out a sob, causing Kevin to wrap his arms around the young bass.

Scott bolts across to the entrance to the hospital, needing to be anywhere but here.  He makes it hallway to the door before Kevin comes after him, encasing him in well endowed arms.  "LET ME GO!"  Scott demands, struggling to get out of Kevin's arms.  Kevin continues to grip him until Scott gives up and slumps into Kevin's solid chest.  "You need to be here for him," Kevin said.  Scott scoffed, "Be there for a boy I don't remember?  Be there for a boy, who every time I see him or am around him I feel angry and afraid? No, I don't think so."  Kevin interjected, "Be there because you two were once best friends. If not for that, then be there for the fact that we need you with us. None of us can do this without you."   Scott sags against Kevin, the fight draining out of him.  He nods and they make their way back to the rest of Pentatonix. They take a deep breath and entered.  Mitch gasps and looked up, his dull brown eyes sparkling. "You came.  You actually came!" He cries tears of joy, expecting every one to have abandoned him.  His eyes seem to sparkle brighter when he notices Scott lingering in the background.  His happiness fades when he notices Scott avoiding contact with every one in the room, his arms crossed against his chest and his fists clenched.  In a quavering voice Mitch says, "Scott?

Scott looks up angrily. "I'm only here for them! Not whoever you are." He snarls coldly before stalking away.  Mitch's eyes fill with tears before he breaks down loudly. Kevin, Matt, and Kirstin all exchange looks. Kirstin sits next to Mitch, allowing him to bury his head in her shoulder and to cry.  "Is he ever going to forgive me?" Mitch sobs out. Kirstin shushes him, carding one hand through his hair. "It'll all be okay one day. Everything will be just fine. You just have to believe."  Kirstin says sweetly before getting up. Pentatonix leaves as Mitch looks after them.  Yes, surely thing will be alright. He'd just have to believe.  

I'm thinking of ending the story right here. But I'm also thinking of writing a sequel which follow the events of Scott's memories returning, and how he deals with the aftermath of what happened with Mitch.  How many of you would be interested in that, or should I just end it here?  Also, nobody will care, but I've fallen in love.  He's such an amazing guy and treats me like a queen.  *Swoons.*. He make so so happy, like you wouldn't believe.

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