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Edgar opened his eyes and looked over, seeing someone laying beside him. He blinked a little and turned over, looking over the person. He was surprised it was Higgs. He shook him a little to get his attention.

"Mr. Higgs... Mr. Higgs?"

"Hmm?" he said, turning to look over his shoulder.

"Why are you in here?"

He turned back. "I'm hiding."

"From... who?"

"Everyone. I haven't been myself lately and have been making bad choices. No one would suspect me being in here."

"What'd you do?"

"I really don't want to talk about it."

Edgar nodded and laid across Higgs' stomach. They were silent for a while when Higgs turned over onto his back and Edgar ended up laying on him fully.

"What are you doing?" he said, looking at Edgar's face.

"I dunno. Just layin."

"Aren't you afraid I'll come after you again?"


"Aren't you mad at me for forgetting you and causing you so much pain?"

"No... you ask weird questions, Mr. Higgs... Is that why everyone's mad at you and you're hiding?"


Edward laid his head on Higgs' chest and then frowned. "Where's your heartbeat?"

"It's there. In my vampire form my blood slows to a crawl and my heartbeat does as well. We're not completely dead, but pretty close to it. If you listen hard enough you'll hear it."

Edgar moved his head around to put his ear over Higgs' chest where his heart would be. They were both silent for a while when Edgar gasped, smiling.

"I hear it!"

"Good job..." he said softly but not condescendingly.

Edgar put his chin on Higgs' chest and looked at his keeper. He noticed Higgs was just looking off into space, not thinking of anything.

"Are you gonna cry because everyone's being mean?"

"I think I've finished crying as of now." He said with a sigh. "Then again, I'm not worth much these days so who would even give a damn if I did?"

"I would." He sat up to look down at Higgs. "I don't like it when you and Mama get into fights and stop talking to each other."


"Oh, Merida said that I could call her Mama if I wanted. Is that alright?"

"Merida can do as she sees fit in that matter."

"Are you mad at her?"

"I'm not really sure, to be honest." He sat up as Edgar sat on his knees. "Everything is a blur and so confusing. I don't really understand why I'm being the way I am, it just keeps coming out and I can't seem to catch it." Higgs reached up and touched the bandage on Edgar's neck softly. "I'm sorry that I hurt you."

Edgar moved from Higgs' hand and put his arms around his neck.

"It's alright, Mr. Higgs. I know that you can't help what you do sometimes and Merida knows it and the other people know it too. I know you didn't mean to hurt me at all, so I forgive you. I'm not gonna turn into a vampire, am I?" he asked, pulling from Higgs.

Higgs chuckled. "No, that's one good thing about our transformations." He moved Edgar to sit in his lap and put his head on his. "Who would have thought that the one comforting me the most would be a small child."

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now