In The Beginning

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"Why me?" A two-year-old Naruto thought as he ran as fast as his rather skinny legs would take him from angry villagers, sweat pouring from his forehead as he took a turn but looking ahead he saw he'd made one of the biggest mistakes, in his short life, he'd run into a dead end, just as he turned to leave, a drunk man punched him in his stomach hard, he was left spluttering on the ground coughing up blood, as he got up a leaf shinobi threw four kunai at him, each one embedding itself in one of his limbs sticking him to the wall almost permanently.
(Time skip to after the beating).
There in the same alley was left a bruised, battered, and beaten little boy lying unconscious on the ground, a pile of bile under him when one of lord thirds right hand ANBU saw him and immediately rushed him to the hospital but not before sending a scroll to Hiruzen Sarutobi himself. As soon as he arrived at the hospital he was met by a shaking hokage who was pondering about if the child would be okay, as soon as the aged hokage saw Naruto in his ANBU's arms he sighed with relief but grunted with anger at how stupid the villagers were "Thank you weasel, now we need to get him to a room. GET THIS BOY A ROOM HE'S PRACTICALLY DYING IN HIS ARMS!!!" The hokage thanked and demanded, all the nurses looked in his direction but as soon as they saw him they went back to doing random things to make themselves look busy, but a select few ( five people, three ladies, and two guys) rushed over immediately after seeing what condition he was in, and rushed him over to the E.R. to check if he had any internal bleedings, turns out he did and it was very severe but the doctors also watched in shock as he started healing at an abnormal rate but quickly got over it and started preparing him for several corrections in his body that now needed to be made. (Time skip to after the surgery). Now that the surgery was over the docters moved naruto to a normal room to rest in before he woke up. As Naruto was starting to wake he smelt the smell of antibiotics and Tylenol and cringed a bit, as he opened his eyes he the first thing he saw was a blinding white light quickly he shut his eyes once more, preparing himself for the light he opened his eyes slowly and squinted, his vision clearing. Now that he could see clearly Naruto calmly glanced around the room only to see the hokage or as he liked to call him jiji sitting in one of the chairs in the corner of the room, sleeping. It was about five minutes before the old man started stirring but once he was completely awake, he started sheding tears quickly apologizing to young Naruto. Once the hokage composed himself he made a proposal "Naruto how about I give you an apartment of your own." The hokage offered. "That would be great jiji! Thank you." Naruto replied happily. ( since Naruto heals fast, time skip to 3 hours later). Once Naruto was able to leave the hospital he and the hokage went shopping to get all the necessities for his new apartment, they went to almost every apartment in kohona to see if someone would let him stay, and the hokage couldn't force them to let him stay either because he knew they'd treat him badly the moment he turned his back. Sadly no one would let him stay so the hokage was forced to do something he didn't think he'd have to do until Naruto was older, "Naruto listen to me your father was the fourth hokage, Minato Namikaze and your mother was Kushina Uzumaki also known as the red hot habenaro and since no one will allow you to stay i'm going to have to let you stay in the Namikake, Uzumaki estate along with all the Namikaze Uzumaki secrets, possessions, jutsu, and scrolls along with the Uzumaki kekkai genkai. (Time skip to when they're at the N/U mansion). Once the pair were outside the doors the hokage was about to explain how to open the doors which had a blood seal on them but was left spluttering when Naruto bit his thumbs to the point of bleeding then spread it accross the metal gates, opening them instantly. "Naruto you know how to do seals???!!!""Of course if I want to be a ninja then i have to know the basics." Naruto said not knowing seals were a difficult thing to master even for a jonin. "Naruto would you be willing to take a couple test for me." "Sure jiji." 'Kit don't give him any hints about your power until the test are given.' 'Sure kura-nii.'

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