Chapter 22

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Daniel hurries into Marissa's bedroom and goes straight for her jewellery holder. He opens the door and sighs with relief as he sees his key hanging beside her necklaces. That was easy, he thinks. At least, he didn't have to ransack her room searching for it.

He dashes down the stairs and heads for the door. As he opens it, he crashes into Marissa, who has bags of groceries cradled under her arms. 'Just where do you think you're going?'

He bows his head. 'Out,' he mumbles.

She places the groceries down and gives him an incredulous look. 'I thought we've been through this. I don't want you leaving this house.'

'Mom,' he says, brushing against her. 'I have to go.'

'Where?' she demands.

'I can't tell you,' he says, reaching for the doorknob.

'Daniel,' she snaps. 'Tell me what's going on.'

He bites his lip and turns back to face her. His eyes lock with hers and he looks down. 'I can't. All I can tell you is I have to go, now. Please stop asking me questions, Mom.'

'No,' she swallows, reaching out for her son. 'Why do you have to go anywhere?'

Daniel dashes toward the stairs and grabs his coat from the banister. 'I can't tell you the details, Mom. But, I'm in trouble, and I need to get out of here. Away from Starryton.'

Marissa just narrows her eyes at him, standing there, utterly confused and concerned. 'Look, Dan, tell me what it is, what's happening, and we can sort this out. You're scaring me. You know, once upon a time, you told me everything and now you won't trust me with anything anymore. You're hiding something. Something big. I just want to know, I want to help.'

While running his hand along the nape of his neck, he can feel his entire body tense. 'Well, you can't help, okay. I'm done for,' he shouts. 'And I can't tell you and drag you into this. I need to protect you, Mom.'

Anger flashes in her eyes and she stalks towards him. 'You do not protect me,' she yells. 'I am the parent here. I protect you. Not the other way around.'

Daniel pushes past her. 'Not this time, Mom,' he swallows. 'I love you and I'm sorry. If anyone knocks the door, don't let them in. And when the Sheriff asks you questions, you didn't see me before I disappeared.'

Marissa's face softens. She whips her body around to face him, but it's too late. He's already dashing out the door, down the pathway towards his car. She finds herself sprinting after him. 'Daniel, wait,' she calls.

As she reaches the outside of the fence, he's already pulled out from the curb and is making his way down the street at the highest speed he can. 'Daniel,' she screams.

He takes a quick look in his wing mirror to see his mother sobbing on the pavement. He blinks away tears and re-adjusts the mirror so she's out of sight. Then, he proceeds on his way.


Lisa turns to Sophie. 'I can't believe we're doing this,' she sighs. 'The woman is insane.'

Sophie musters a weak smile. 'Maybe so,' she nods. 'But Daniel believes in her, and we're doing this for him. Besides, she's our only hope.'

Lisa nods and tears well in her eyes. 'Yeah, and he's the smart one. So, I trust his judgement. I just don't know how the two of us are going to take down this creature all by ourselves.'

'You're not all by yourself,' Martin says, striding up to the door of the shack. He nods.

'Let's save Daniel, and our other friends.'

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