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For the next few days Eleanor strolled round the house and it's grounds to get to know the place she would be living in for the foreseeable future. Many books were read in the courtyard whilst she sat on the edge of the fountain where the sunlight reflected off of the water.
Eleanor had begun to notice that the maids were getting rather bored with just cooking and doing a bit of cleaning as before they would prepare banquets and would stand at the side of the room at party's, getting to see a little bit of royal action and having things to gossip about with one another. Much different to looking after the Princess whom wished she was not a Princess.

Whilst Eleanor was in the stables the youngest maid Lottie heard the telephone ring, a sound she never thought she would be pleased to hear. The young girl excitedly moved towards the phone and picked it up bringing into her ear.

"Hello, this is the Windsor residence how may I help you?"
" Oh hello, I'm Polly Shelby, I need to talk with Eleanor? " Polly said confused as to why Eleanor didn't pick up in the first place. And Windsor that name struck a chime somewhere but Polly just couldn't put her finger on it.
"Of course madam I will go get her now, just give me a moment" Lottie place the telephone on the table before running outside to the stables to get Eleanor before following her back inside the house.

"Hello Polly lovely to hear from you" Eleanor said smiling down the phone.
"You too Eleanor I was wondering when you wanted me and my family to come round to your house?"
"Well can you do tonight?"
" Yep, all of us are free"
"Would you all like to stay for the night as I'm quite out of the way?"
" if that's what you wanted " Polly said happily
"Brilliant how many of you are there, so I can get the maids to ready rooms and everything?" Eleanor replied getting her pencil and paper ready
"5 Adults and 1 child" Polly said
"Wonderful I'll send a car it'll be waiting outside the Garrison in around 45 minutes"
"See you then Eleanor"
"Goodbye Polly" Eleanor replied putting the phone down and standing up.

"LOTTIE AND MARIE COME HERE PLEASE" Eleanor shouted causing the maids to walk into the room
"Right so we're going to be having a few guests tonight" Eleanor said handing over the note of paper "I need the guest wing prepared and a banquet made for around 8, I trust you can both do that?"
"Yes you majesty, however there are only five rooms in the guest wing, what other room shall we prepare?"
" just do the room opposite mine in the Windsor suite and for tonight please don't address me as your majesty I wouldn't like our guests to know im royalty "
"Yes ma'am" They both replied before running off to prepare the rooms and then the food.

Seeing that she had a few hours to spare Eleanor took herself upstairs to get changed out of her riding clothes into something more presentable, nothing too over the top just a simple blouse and skirt.

- - - - - - -

"Aunt Pol who even is this woman she could fuckin' murder us or something" John said with his toothpick hanging from his mouth.
"John she trains horses just a rich girl from London nothing must else" replied as the car began to pull into a drive way.

"Fuckin' 'ell" Arthur said in shock at the shear size of the house, it could fit half of Small Heath in it, he thought to himself.

Tommy, Finn and Ada were in the other car and as soon as Finn saw the stables at the side of the house his eyes lit up.
"Tommy do you think she'll let me see the horses" he said sweetly
"Maybe if you're a good boy" Ada said smiling at him realising The sudden change in his behaviour from earlier in the day where he was nothing but trouble.

The doors to the grand house opened as two maids stood either side of it them, waiting for their guests.

"Hello you all must be the Shelby family, can we take your coats, hats and bags?" The two women very different in age took the coats and hung them up before leading the family into the drawing room where Eleanor was sat waiting, she greeted them all with and smile on her face as the Shelby's that she hadn't met introduced themselves and those she had just greeted her. Everyone engaged in light conversation until dinner was ready. Polly was right about Eleanor and Ada getting along as they could hardly stop talking to each other now.

"Eleanor..." Finn whispered quietly interrupting the current conversation which caused Polly to shoot him a look.
"Yes Finn" Eleanor smiled at him
" tomorrow can I see your 'orses" he responded nervously
"Of course you can, you could even ride one of you wanted" this made Finn light up with joy and jump up to hug Eleanor, which took her by surprise but it was welcomed.

Lottie then came in the room to say that dinner was ready which caused Eleanor and the Shelbys to make their way into the dining room to see the table covered with a luxurious spread and a selection of expensive alcohol.
They all sat down to eat. Arthur and Eleanor had started quite the conversation about what Eleanor does and how she trains horses.

"Who brought you this house then is massive" Arthur said before taking a sip of his whisky
" My father... He already owned it and thought I needed some space" Eleanor replied
"A lot of space by the looks of it" Tommy joked
"Yeah your father must be a King or something to afford a house like this just for you"
King. The word king had made Eleanor freeze up before she realised she had to say something
"Oh not a King... Just works very hard" Eleanor said not meaning to sound nervous but Tommy had already picked up on it and knew something was going on.

Dinner then continued with the women talking about where Eleanor could find a good seamstress in Small Heath whilst Tommy was ticking over in his head about what was going on with Eleanor and why she was being so strange when talking about the man the raised her.

An hour after dinner had finished Eleanor had called the maids in to ask them to show the Shelby's to their rooms for the night. Polly had asked Tommy to be the one to sleep in the other wing as she wanted to be close to Finn just in case he had trouble sleeping again, Tommy agreed and Eleanor showed him to his room as the maids were busy with the five other members of his family.

Just as Eleanor was about to walk out of Thomas' room he stopped her.

"Who are you?" He said closing the door softly.
"What do you mean Thomas?" She said raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms over her chest.
"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing bringing my family over here?"
"I have no one I know over here I was just trying to be kind to Polly as she was the first sort of friend that I made" Eleanor said beginning to get nervous as Tommy stepped towards her backing the young woman into the corner. Her heart rate jumped dramatically.
"I don't believe you, who are you working for?" He said angrily pushing and holding her against the wall tightly holding on to her shoulders.
"I don't know what you mean Thomas I don't work for anybody I train horses for christ sake!" Eleanor said beginning to shake as she was scared for her life but she still tried to look strong in her facial expressions.
"What is your last name" Tommy said looking right into her green eyes
Eleanor ignored him. Looking to the side away from his burning stare.
"I said what is you last fucking name?" He whispered angrily
" Windsor... " she whispered back almost inaudible.
"What?" Tommy said making sure he was hearing right.
" My last name is Windsor"

Tommy immediately let go of her and stepped away from her so quick that Eleanor dropped to the floor.

"You're fucking royalty" he said in absolute disbelief.

R O Y A L T Y  / Tommy Shelby / Peaky BlindersWhere stories live. Discover now