Soul Mates (vampire/student/teacher)

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Chapter 1

The air was hot. The night was young and the moon was just starting to creep out. My shirt was stuck to my skin as I felt droplets of sweat running down my back. My forehead was wet with the humidity of the air. I could feel my legs getting tired of the long run I was doing. Sprinting the last few minutes, my legs felt ready to collapse. I held on to a tree that was nearby. My breathing haggard and fast. I looked at my watch and saw my 30 minutes of running were done. I got up and stretched, feeling all my muscles tense up and then relax slowly. I smiled to myself. I felt good.

Running did so much for me. Cleared my head, made me fit, let me blow of steam. So many things. For example, tonight was one of those nights where I had to clear my head. I had my first day of my senior year tomorrow in a new hich school and to say I was nervous was putting it mildly. My mind thought back to three days ago when my mom dropped the bomb that we were moving. Just like that. No warning, no sweet talk, nothing. It was just " Alice, we're moving." Im pretty sure my face in another situation wouldve been hilarious. I could feel my jaw drop all the way to the floor as my mom spilled the news.

I couldnt figure out what to say in that moment. All I could do was stare in shock at the women who had given me birth. With a "Close your mouth Al, the flys are coming in." she left my room. By then, what she had said had registered into my brain so I ran behind her screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Mooooooooom!" I screamed. "You have to be joking?!"

"No, I am not. I have a new job offer and its a really good one. Its an opportunity we cant let pass by." She said calmly.

"But... But... What about Aaron? My school? Track?! What about them Mom? I cant just leave everything behind." I exclaimed. This is a disaster.

She turned around at that and came towards me. Walking slowly, she stopped when she was in front of me. "Alice, sweety, I know what Im telling you is hard and that its going to take a lot away from you but we both know that you are smart enough to go into senior year and ace all your classes. You wont even have to try. About Aaron, well hes your best friend and he will understand. I know you guys wont lose contact at all with your apples and bananas or whatever those cell phones are called. You guys will be sexting all day long." She said with a postive smile.

I groaned at her dumbness over technology. "Mom its called Apple not banana. Thats the companys name and for the millionth time, its texting not sexting! That is just gross especially since you added Aaron to that sentence." I shivered.

"Well, whatever. Also, you dont have to worry about track either. You can just sign up for the one in your new high school." She said, smiling at herself for coming up with that genius plan.

"Mother, you will be the death of me." I muttered. "Can you atleast tell me where we are going to move to?" I asked.

She gave me a smirk. "New York." And with that, she walked out of the living room leaving me speechless yet again.

That was three days ago. Three days ago my life changed completely. That fateful day that my mom told me the tragic news, we had to pack to leave the next day in the morning.

The most horrible thing was telling Aaron that same night. He was totally heartbroken. My best and only friend. I cant imagine how Im going to survive everyday without his dry humor and sarcastic comments. He practically lived in my house. So much that our guest bedroom became his permanent room. How was I going to go to school without him? He was my locker buddy, my lunch buddy, my everything buddy. Just thinking about it now gave me an empty feeling in my stomach. I missed him so much and its only been two days. Of course we havent stopped talking. He texted me all day telling me the most randomest things and vice versa. Also, Aaron being Aaron helped me understand why my mom was doing this. He helped me realize that all she wanted was a better life for us two. Especially after everything thats happened.

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