Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I turned to find the very edible stranger looking at me, his lips shaped in a sexy smirk.

I leaned back so that his hand didn't touch my shoulder anymore. It was making my blood go crazy. Its like I was zapped or something. I could feel it all the way to my toes. If only his hand touching your bare skin on your shoulder does that, can you imagine if you were to kiss those perfect lips?.. My subconscious whispered inside my head. I honestly didn't want to know. This overwhelming feeling was too much for me. Especially when its about a total stranger.

Geez, I have no idea who this guy is. He could be a murderer or sociopath for all I knew. He could be on the most wanted list in the FBI. He could be a druggy or a creepy pervert. Although thinking about it really fast, I wouldn't mind him perving on me. Jesus Christ, there I go again! With the dirty thoughts. This is insane. I mean, yes Ive seen very attractive boy and men before but I've never acted like this or had these kind of thoughts. It was so weird of me and I think thats one of the reasons it was freaking me out so much.

During this whole dilemma in my head, dark sexy stranger kept staring, a smile playing on his lips. I straightened my back and in a confident voice (or so I thought) asked what he wanted.

He looked at me curiously and said, "Well, Mrs. Ming has been calling an order out for the last 5 minutes and since its not mine, Im betting its yours." Hearing his voice for the first time made me feel exactly how I felt when he touched my shoulder. It wrapped around my head and stayed there on replay. God, did he have to have a sexy voice too? So unfair.

"Oh, um thank you. I was totally in another planet right now, I'm sorry." I apologized to the old Chinese lady who's name I knew now thanks to sexy stranger beside me. She just smiled a sweet smile and handed me my food. I said thank you and since I had already payed, all I had to do was walk out. Yet, I couldn't. It seemed that I was rooted in place. Mrs. Ming turned around and went back inside her kitchen and left me alone with the stranger. I kinda wanted to know his name.. It felt weird calling him stranger inside my head. Should I ask him? I asked myself. But for what? My subconscious answered back. Its not like you are going to see him again. That was very true and it surprised me to feel sadness over the thought. But somehow another part of me told me I would see him sooner then I thought. It was a sixth sense.

He was now sitting down in one of the few chairs that this small place had. He saw me looking at him and asked in a deep voice if I wanted to sit down. Without even knowing, I heard my voice say yes.

I walked over to the small table and sat on the other side of him. I kept my eyes down, taking my food out of my take out bag. I couldn't look at him right now. His eyes made my mind mush. Not because they were a beautiful color or something but because his eyes held so much emotion I felt like I would drown in them. Even though his face showed no emotion whatsoever, his eyes did. They were very expressive. I noticed that even though we've only been a few minutes together.

I felt a pair of eyes on me so getting brave I looked up and found him staring at me. I blushed at his eyes on me. They made me feel like he could see all the way into my soul. He gave me a small smile. He leaned in and put his hands on the table. I looked down at his hands and my eyes opened in awe. He had the most beautiful hands I've ever seen on a man. They were long and graceful but still strong. I could bet my whole piggy bank that his hands had caused me pain to others. They just seemed capable of it.

"Usually when a girl checks me out, its my face or my body. Not my hands." A deep voice said, making my head go up.

"Im sorry." I said, with red tint going in my cheeks. "You just have beautiful hands."

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