Chapter 1: addiction is an animal

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***Rachelle ****
It all started when I got back to my apartment. The room reeked of beer and bad choices .  Books , paper plates, and sliver-ware were all scattered  around . "What da hell?" I mumbled to myself. I glanced over at the living room , the couch was somehow turned over. The shove was on and I could smell something burning in the kitchen. My significant other was no where to be found . 

"Who else could have done it ?" I asked myself as I dialed his number . No answer. I decided to dial one of his friends.

"What's good,  Rachelle ?"

I could barely hear him over the loud music and screams of andlrine in the background.

"A lot of things , now can I speak to my husband  please?"

"Sorry Fam, but you're husband is not here."

"Okay ?... Then where is he ?"

"Ugggaah...- trying to remember- Oh, he had to be rush to the hospital!"


"Yeah he OD again and every body had to fuck off before the cops got there . No one knows what happened to him after that. "

"Oh my god ..." I sighed , placing my hand over my face.

"Yup, this morning was fun. Too bad you had to miss it , girl."

" which hospital is he in? "

"Uh probably the one down the road from you."

"The nearest hospital is 30 minutes away."

"Uhh maybe try that one than?"

I hung up and bowed my head .
***** Ivan*****

I sat at my desk  and filed paper work as Misty screamed behind the close door in front of me.


Her vicious roar cut through the dead hallway.   I was almost certain that everyone and their mother could hear her. However I wasn't concern, she had no proof of my wrong doings.


I heard small mumbles of replies coming from the crew.  Suddenly Misty busted through the door , holding her phone towards my face . 

"Listen here you son of  bitch, I'm going to send the video to everyone . Including your friends and family.  How would your mother feel knowing her son is a piece of  turd?"

She placed her hand on her hip , waiting for my response. I didn't give her the satisfaction of one though and continued to focus on my work.

"Well ?"

"In all honesty , my dear, she would probably question the strange woman who is harassing her son ."

"Maybe because you ruined my fucking career?"

"Misty listen,  you only have yourself to blame for this . I told you how to go about it and you didn't listen."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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