Oneshot Arguments

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You'll argue about how he talks about himself too much and complains about the fact that he was stuck on the moon. You feel like he doesn't take the time to listen to you because he is too busy complaining. While he feels like you don't listen to him enough.


He gets angry when you go out on missions alone. He only gets mad because when you go out alone he can't help but to worry about you and wonder if your safe. You don't think it's that big of a deal and you feel like you can handle going out alone. However...Diego disagrees. 


You feel like she is always busy. You're overall pretty clingy so when she isn't around you get sad and a bit irritated. Which causes you to complain a lot once she is around. Sense you complain it causes her to get a bit angry which usually starts a small fight. ;(


You tend to argue at him to stop doing drugs and you'll also argue about how he should stop drinking. You know it isn't healthy for him and you worry about his health all the time. He doesn't like seeing you mad so he tries to play it off like he'll be fine. 


He doesn't like seeing you talk to other guys. He loves you so much he constantly worries about losing you because you're the only real... (sorry Delores) person who he's ever been in a relationship with. So this causes him to be a bit over protective which makes you mad at him for the time being. 


He always wants to be around you so when you aren't around he tends to get a bit cranky. But once you are around he nails you with questions like "Are you okay?"...."Where were you?"...They tend to get annoying but really in the end you realize he means no harm and he is just is a bit clingy and in reality truly loves you.


She is almost always practicing her violin which means you don't have a lot of time to be around her. You tell her she should play less which causes a whole drawn out argument that gets blown out of proportion until it ends up sooner or later with both of you crying and cuddling until everything is okay again. 

(A/N I've started doing  oneshots...really I love doing them they're just super fun I'll probably keep making more just a heads up. Hopefully you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them. Btw...Vanya has all my uwus.)

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