Alive~ Five x Female Reader

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Today would be your first day meeting everyone in the academy. You had recently found out that you weren't like any other teenager. You had the special ability to hack anything and everything. You could get into any building website whatever you wanted. In fact with the ability to hack things you had the capability to turn invisible and teleport. You never thought much of it but it turns out it's a bigger deal then what you originally thought. Either way you were rather nervous to meet everyone. 

They had planned to meet you at a nearby park around 10:00 pm. You had to admit it sounded a bit suspicious. Really meeting anyone at night was suspicious. With a sigh you cleared the thought out of your head. Grabbing your skate board and heading down to the park you noticed the sun had finally finished setting as it vanished behind the clouds. 

The only thing left was the dark sky staring down at you. Your skateboard came to a halt and you walked into the park. You let your eyes scan around before they locked onto a rather shady looking group of people. "That's gotta be them..." you muttered hoping you were correct. 

As you made your way over they all seemingly turned to look at you. You spoke up trying to sound as formal as possible "Good evening." you said stiffly. You let your eyes scan around looking at everyone. They stopped on a boy who seemed about your age. You had to admit he was pretty cute. Your staring was interrupted by a rather tall muscular man who let out a friendly "Hello!"

(Time skip to when the meeting ends.) 

By the time the meeting ended they had officially recruited you as part of the academy.  You felt a sense of pride but you were very surprised. You didn't think you were all that special in fact you never had.

After the meeting you skated down to the local coffee shop to "celebrate". As you walked in you spotted the same boy that was at the park with the rest of the academy. He was sitting off to the side and hadn't noticed you. The entire meeting he was silent which truly piqued your curiosity. You really wanted to know more about him but for some reason you were too nervous to ask. 

 You let out a soft sigh as you sat down at a booth by yourself. You ordered just a plain coffee. You were drifting off a bit while you waited for your order. You weren't used to being out this late. As you felt your eyes start to close a rather abrupt "Hello." woke you up. You jolted a bit and turned to see the same boy you had saw earlier. "Didn't mean to wake you darling." he grinned looking at you. A nervous smile crept across your face. You hadn't been expecting him to talk to you. "It's fine I don't really mind." you said with a nod. He smiled lightly "Now I'm really here because I don't think I introduced myself properly. I'm Five." he said shaking your hand. "Well I'm-" you started before he interrupted "Y/N...I know." he stated. "I know quite a bit about you and what your capable of....I'm truly impressed." he nodded running his hands through his hair. "Wow, I'm flattered." you joked. "But really I just want to say welcome." he nodded. You gave a soft smile "Thanks." Just as he got up about to leave he turned to look at you. "Oh and by the way don't you know it's not nice to stare at people especially during an 'important' meeting." he smirked and with a flash of blue light he was gone. 

My eyes grew wide. "I didn't know he saw me looking at him." you whispered no longer feeling so tired.

In fact you had never felt more alive

(A/N sorry this was kinda short I hope you all still enjoy! I don't have any requests currently so I will be working on some new chapters but feel free to send in requests! It gives me story ideas and I just enjoy seeing what you all want a story about! -Cherry <3)

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