Bum tile

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2d's POV

It's been 3 days since Murdoc was sent to jail. I thought I was supposed to be happy but I've been just spending my days sulking in my room and crying why do I feel this way?

I shove the covers from my body and drag myself down to the kitchen. While I'm walking to the fridge, I end up tripping on the bum tile and scraping my chin on the floor.

"Fuck! Shit!" I cry out in pain. I then hear the rushing footsteps of Noodle and Russel running down the steps.

Russel helps me up while Noodle goes to get a bandage from the cupboard. "D, what happened?" Russel questioned in concern. "Nothing I just tripped on the bum tile." I replied calmly. Noodle then handed me the bandage that she had quickly snatched from the bathroom cupboard.

I was about to slide the bandage on when Russel stopped me. I knew what he was going to do.

I sat on a near by chair and waited for Russ to get the rubbing alcohol. I hated that stuff, it stung as if murdoc were biting me.

That thought made my skin crawl. When Russel came back with the bottle of green liquid I squirmed in my chair in fear of the pain.

When Russel opened the bottle the smell overwhelmed my nostrils and tears formed in the corners on my eyes, when he applied the substance onto my chin the tears that formed streamed down my face.

"Ah-Ah russ that hurts like hell." I said in a breathy voice. Noodle was there watching the whole ordeal snickering. "D, you're a grown man crying cause of some rubbing alcohol." Noodle said in an almost annoyed tone.

I was about to say some thing but she stopped me right there. "Whatever you're going to say I dont care I need to go pick up the package." When she said this she winked at Russel and left quickly.

I was very confused but I didn't think much of it.

What I didn't know was that this "package" was going to change my life forever.

Sorry that this chapter was short but hey its gonna get real juicy

2dace (bc I can 2)Where stories live. Discover now