Chapter 1: The Infirmary

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The last thing I can remember is the shine from the blurred lights and that damn ringing. What an awful Sound. I hear it faintly now but much calmer than I remember. I have an awful taste in my mouth and suddenly wish I had water. Fresh water and oh am I hungry. I'm so hungry. I'm starving and now I'm craving all sorts of bad foods I try to stay away from but with poor judgment right now refuse to. I try to part my eyes and they feel extremely heavy but as I struggle a faint light appears to grow stronger. As it does the heaviness of my lids tends to fight back even more. What a struggle it is to even wake up. Come on body! You got this...please have this. I push through the pain and finally just by a bit I can see. And to a surprise and sudden epiphany I freak out.

How did I get into a hospital? Why am I here? Am I hurt too bad? Am I bleeding? Is it going to bruise? As I play 21 questions with my subconsciousness I look down and notice my hands. I can move again. I wiggle my fingers and smile at myself. I'm still sore but it doesn't all hurt too bad. I notice the flowers near by on a nightstand and they appear to be blue daisies. Such beautiful flowers I wonder who had brought them.

They relax me quite a bit the moment I laid eyes on them. They are accompanied by sunflowers which are equally as beautiful. They smell lovely. The door opens abruptly distorting my thoughts and it startled me a little. The nurse stops in mid walk as she looks up in shock. Clip board in hand she parts her lips like she might say something then stops. As if the words just flew away from her brain,mouth and all.

"I can't believe your awake. Wow I'm so relieved. Good morning. I'm your nurse Ms. Daniel. How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? I'm just here to check on your vitals but oh my what a welcome! Hello again", she says with a soft and warm smile.

She's very giddy for a person to be around death all the time. I am still trying to process what I'm going through or what I think I'm going through but I smile anyway. Save my confusion and restlessness for another time for questions. Till then I am hungry and thirsty. "Some water and breakfast would be great. Thank you Ms. Daniel. I....", I stop myself. Not sure if should ask any questions about how I even got here in he first place or how come I don't remember anything because well, it's quite too early and I'm running on a empty stomach.

"Yes?", she says as she writes in her log. I shake my head and give her a soft smile as I sink into the bed. I have so many questions to ask. I'm so lost.

"Well I'll be back in no time with your breakfast. The hospital is serving pancakes this morning. Your a lucky girl". As she walks out the room I'm left there. Wishing I had asked at lease my name or that she mentioned it. But foolish me. Shouldn't I be wearing one of those patient bracelets with my name on it and information? I look down to only find the bracelet empty. Just a blank piece of paper wrapped around my waist. I'm lost for words. Did I just appear out of the blue? Why aren't any credentials there? What about how old I am or my name. I should have a name. This isn't fair. I'm a complete stranger to myself and I had the nerve to think a nurse could help me find what I don't even know. I'm such a mystery it's giving me a headache.

Ms.Daniel returns with my tray of food and brings over the hospital foldable table that stretches out over the bed for me. She places the food down and I thank her. She asks is there anything else she can help me with and without thinking the words escape my mouth.

"Do you know my name? Who I am? My bracelet is empty I just thought there might just be some good explanation for this." I spoke so sudden . So fast. I didn't mean to ask but I'm dying to know. I sit down and eat my food slowly so I can hear what she's saying. "We don't know your name. There was no type of ID found on you . Someone did offer to pay for your insurance because as hospital policy we can't treat any patient who doesn't have insurance so that man saved your life and help admit you in this hospital. It has been almost 3 weeks since you have been here lying down in that bed. When I was assigned to you my heart broke into when I saw you. I mean we see all sorts of things in the ER but I could of sworn you were dead. You were so cold. You were the faintest of blue and very pale. You wouldn't wake up for no one. Some people really didn't think you'd survive that jump or the current that evening. Those waves were said to pull because that's where the EMT had told me wake you came in from. You were soaked and wet. That's all I know right now sweetly. Hope that helps."

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