chapter six job and Australia

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Hayley pov

I got a job as a singer the boys said I should sing and they will put it on YouTube so I did and someone said they like my voice and put me in a band. Everyone is so nice but I have to go to Australia you would think I would be happy because I was born there but I don't want to go I want to stay.

Jordyn pov

Hayley has to go to Australia I'm happy for her but I don't want her to go she my best friend and I can not go with her.

Mikey pov

Everyone so sad and they won't tell me why and Hayley isn't here where is she. I told the guys I was going to go get fresh air but I went to go see where Hayley is she my best friend that's a girl.

Hayley pov 

I got on my plane to go to Australia I all ready miss New York.

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