chapter seven someone mets someone

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1 month later

Hayley pov

I hate my job it has been 2 dam month and they act like I'm their slave for like well sex I hate it. It wasn't a job for singing but as a sex slave.

Raph pov

Hayley calls a lot saying she coming home soon I miss her like crazy I wish I asked her go date me before she went.

Hannah pov

(I add charter because little Micky needs a girlfriend.)

I was walking around to find my friend jordyn I have not seen her in like 10 weeks and Hayley my best friend is singing somewhere so let just get to the point well someone jumped me and then I know this is crazy but a turtle save me and he was cute.

Micky pov

I save a girl she was hot like crazy hot I wish I could talk to her. Before I went she stop me can I know you name sure its Mikey and your is my name is hannah

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