I need to be held (x female reader)

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It's basically 6am where I live right now and I am not feeling my best. I've been listening to Jonghyun's songs for hours trying to find some rest but my insomnia doesn't let me so I decided to do something more creative and write a one shot. Let's see what my mind can make up at the moment.


The sun was already rising from the darkness and was about to exchange places with the moon while immersing the sky in warm orange colors. (Y/N), unable to sleep, sat in front of her laptop and worked a bit more on the novel she was currently writing. Being an author was always her thing and it helped her in a therapeutic way to give her characters personality traits she had herself.

Not too much later, the young woman heard a door klick and foot steps were lightly audible on the floor tiles. It probably was Jonghyun who was having a small trip to the bathroom. But of course he had noticed that his love was not sleeping next to him and it bothered him.

As he was done and washed his hands, the man slowly lingered towards the kitchen that had a big table (Y/N) loved to use as a desk to write stories on. He was curious and peeked his head through the door, almost forcing the woman to rise her (y/ec) eyes and look at Jonghyun who seemed like a sleepy puppy. His hair was messy, his eyes looked still tired and he overall appeared as if he was not having a good night's rest, baggy clothes messily hanging off his shoulders and hips.

„What are you doing, why don't you sleep?" his voice was low and raspy and he managed to now come over to his favorite human's place, taking a chair and sitting next to her. He lurked at the screen of her laptop to get an idea of what she was doing and then sighed as he understood. Not in a way of being annoyed. More because the gentle man worried about his loved ones sleep.
„It's five in the morning... why do you bother working on writing when you could lay in a cozy bed, eyes closed and try to doze off?"
He wanted to make the idea of having some sleep charming to her and gave her an encouraging smirk, gently pushing her with his elbow. Maybe it animated her to get up and back into the bedroom.

(Y/N) looked at her boyfriend with a soft smile plastered on her lips. „Well, I was unable to fall asleep. I just simply can't find rest and you slept like a baby so I did not want to disturb you with me shifting around in bed", she explained and closed her laptop to take a proper look at the man who had captured her heart. He looked so pure and so innocent when he just woke up with his sleep clothes on, hair that went in every possible direction and tiny eyes because of being all sleepy.

„You are not telling me that you didn't close a single eye, now do you?" he almost whispered cause it was way too early to be noisy. He wanted to go back to sleep and be warmed by his girlfriend's arms. When he was tired, Jonghyun began to freeze. His hands were cold and he got goosebumps all over his skin, his body filled with fatigue.

A small sigh left (Y/N)'s lips before she wanted to push that topic off the table.
„Come, let's get you back into bed you look tired." The slightly (shorter/taller) woman stood up, took her angel by his hand only to notice how cold it was due to him not having slept long enough. Jonghyun was glad that she was finally coming back into bed.

He had the strong desire to be snuggled up, to be held and her to play with his soft black hair. He wanted a kiss on his forehead and her to tell him that everything was okay. Jonghyun loved that kind of affection. He was romantic and in need of warmth. If he could he would be around his significant other all the time and not leave her side just once, yet it was not always possible but he tried his best.

The man laid down first, scooting towards the wall to make space for her and immediately adjusting himself to be the little spoon. A tiny giggle came from (Y/N)'s side as she noticed what he was up to, making him smile.
„What if I want to be the little spoon though? After all I am the one who is awake since almost 24 hours", she asked but in a joking way. Slowly and with a small spark in his eyes he lurked at her beautiful yet perfect face. „No chance... I need to be held right now." The black haired singer spoke almost inaudible, only the two could hear them and only if they listened closely.

Inhaling deeply, she had his sweet scent in her nose. Then she sighed, let him lay in her arm, only to wrap the blanket around the both of them and finally laying her other arm over his waist and feeling him snuggling up against her, his face hidden in her neck. This was how heaven felt like to him. He could easily feel her heartbeat being as close to her as in that moment and it gave Jonghyun so much comfort. For a moment he felt at ease and the universe was okay. The man felt the warmth come up in him, grow in his heart and flooting his body as he kept his eyes closed and concentrated to the rhythm of his muses beating heart.

„I love you, (Y/N). A lot. Please, next time when you can't sleep wake me up so I can hold you too. I don't want you to struggle with sleepless nights", Jjong truly worried and laid his arms around the female's body aswell. His hands trailed down her back and up again.

„I love you too. Next time I'll do that. I promise you." Her lips gently laid on his forehead giving him a good night kiss, hoping that he would fall back asleep quickly and that she would get some rest too.


So this was basically my first one shot I wrote and I am in aware that I made Jonghyun quite submissive but I do think that he had a thing for being taken care of. I think he would have loved such a scenario.
Also I have to mention that english is not my first language and so there might be some mistakes. Correct me if you want and I hope you had fun reading this.

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