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I started to feel dissapointed that I hadn't been spending much time with Jin these days. It's not just about the sex. Yes, I miss his body, but I also missed his company.

He was supposedly my boyfriend, yet he was always stolen away by the maknae line or somthing. I barely could talk to him these days. The only time I got to really interact with him was during dance practice.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard, "Am I doing this right, Hoseok?"

Jin demonstarted a new move that we just learned today. That's when a light bulb switched on inside my brain. It seemed like I found the perfect way to get some alone time with Jin.

I didn't really pay attention if he did it correctly because I was just focused on his ass. Those jeans really helped to show his curves. I imagined my arms wrapped around his small waist that contradicted his broad shoulders.

I casually put my hands in my pockets and leaned forward. I puckered my lips and made and made a silly face. "Just stay after for extra lessons with me."

Jin stood still, not thinking that he did that bad. I just gave him a small nod, and he opened his mouth in epiphany. I proudly drank my water at the brilliance of my plan. All the members would go and leave us alone. I could finally get Jin all to myself.

We continued to dance with me helping Jin any chance I could get. I felt the members gazes on me, but I brushed it off with a smile. I knew they didn't like it when I got close to him, but they would just have to deal with it. They lost their chance because he's already my boyfriend.

Everyone eventually started to clear the room except for me and Jin. I didn't fail to notice that Jungkook and Taehyung held on to Jin longer than necessary. They only gave me a one second hug goodbye, but it's like they were inseperable once they hugged Jin.

All the members eventually left, and I stood facing the door until it seemed like it was safe. A bright grin appeared in my face once their voices faded down. I skipped over to Jin with a smug face.

He scoffed at my actions. "You really couldn't wait could you?" He crossed his arms.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and pressed our foreheads together. "I just want to spent time with my baby."

He gave me a small smile and softly hit my chest. "Fine, but I really do need help with the dance."

I sighed and let go of my beauty. I dragged him to the front of the room where the mirror was. I quickly began to show him the steps that he seemed to have trouble on. He wasn't that bad, he was just a bit stiff.

He leaned back and spread his legs, "Like this?"

I placed my hand on my face, thinking on how to show him correctly. I unconciously got behind him and slid my hand down his thigh. I placed the other on his hip.

My lips were right next to his ear and I whispered, "Try not to be awkward with your leg. Place your hips more back." I pressed his ass against my crotch.

I smirked once I felt him jump a bit in suprise and turn stiff. I looked at him through the mirror and admired the little blush on his cheeks. He avoided my gaze, embarrased at his reaction.

I pretended not to notice where his ass was placed and continued to adjust his body. My hand snaked around his waist and I pulled him in closer. I heard him let out a little gasp.

"Hoseok~," he whined.

I let out a little hum in repsonse. "What happened?"

He tried to push my hand away in protest. "Stop pretending not to know what you're doing!

I kept my hand on him and refused to move it. "Huh, what am I doing?" I let out a small smile.

I began to grind against his plump ass. Jin unintentionally leaned forward. It seemed like Jin just reacted naturally at this point. My hand travled down to his zipper and began to palm his hardening member.

I looked at his lude face from the mirror. The outline of my cock was already visible. I dragged it up and down his back. Jin brought his arm around and lowered me down by the neck.

I teasingly sucked on his bottom lip, and pressed our mouths together. I pushed my hips forward, creating even more friction between us. I slipped my tongue inside his wet cavern and kneeded his ass.

I lowered ourselves down onto the floor. Jin went down on all fours and I knelt down. I unpatiently pulled down his pants to reveal his perfect ass. I slapped it, and lovingly watched the way it jiggled. Jin jumped a bit forward at the action.

I traced his rim and saw the way his hole clenched around the air. Jin layed down on his forearms and waved his ass in the air. I loved the way he got so needy.

I was a about to enter my digit into his small hole when we heard someone yell "Jin" outside the door. Jin and I froze.


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