August 21, 2018

55 1 1

Starting my fan account
So almost a month had gone by since Caitlynn and I had found the twins and started to follow them. I never had said anything about the twins to my parents and I just went on with my life and my cousin and my neighbor (Ali- sorry I didn't say her name in the last part) thought that it was weird how me and Caitlynn liked the twins so much. They called us obsessed but I argued against it. Throughout the month of following them I watched their lives and tried to be first like on their pictures and stuff but I never was. I also had made another account on Instagram that I had planned on posting about my dog (Opal). This was my original idea because Caitlynn had made an account for her dog (Quinbee) and I thought it would be fun to have an account for my dog so I made the account and stuff but I didn't post anything and the account was just kind of there. But since I was following the twins and I liked them so much I thought:
Hey, what if I make a fan account for them and share it with Caitlynn?
So I told her my idea and she thought it would be a good idea too so I changed the name of the account for my dog to "waud.er_twins" I thought of this because of their merch that said "thirsty for wauder" or something like that on the back. No other account had a name like that so that's the name I have always had for my fan account.
That day, I downloaded editing apps to edit pictures and videos and I edited a picture and posted that saying that I'm a new account and that stuff.
When I started the account I was using my tablet so I  screen shotted pictures of them and when I watched their lives I would screen record parts of those and I started to make edits (which when I look back at those I realize how bad they are but I get confused when I see the comments where people said that the edit was really good or that stuff).
Also during the month I followed them without having a fan account I made some fan art which I wanted to give to them by mailing it which wasn't an option because my parents didn't know about them at the time or if I could give it to them at a meet and greet which I couldn't because they weren't gonna have a meet and greet in Seattle or anything at the time for me to give it to them. But I KNEW that I wanted so badly to meet them and all that stuff and it killed me every day that I live so close to them and all the years that I had gone around to the different cities in Washington state that our paths could have crossed without me knowing so in my mind I was just thinking of how badly I wanted to meet them and see them in person and I felt like I absolutely HAD to see them in person which sounds absolutely ridiculous but that's how I felt.

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