The only friends squad

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Kirishima started a new chat:
The only friends squad
Kirishima added Asui
Kirishima added Koda

Kirishima: welcome my fellow sad singles who are hopelessly in love with their best friends.

Asui: I still can't believe someone fell in love with Bakugou kero

Koda: Bakugou?

Kirishima: oh Koda ur talking

Koda: well Sato isn't here to translate for me..

Asui: how r our friends so oblivious?

Kirishima: I'm not sure, I think Bakugou knows I like him...

Asui: I think everyone knows Kirishima, my surprise was when I realised Koda likes Sato

Koda: He is really kind and nice and pretty... and he bakes for me

Kirishima: *wipes tear* so domestic

Asui: that's so cute kero

Kirishima: when did you begin to like Uraraka Tsu?

Asui: sigh, kero, last year, she is just so beautiful and amazing, she used to have a 'crush' on Deku, but she realised she just admired him and that she is hella gay...

Koda: it could've been worse, we could've all fallen for straight people...

Kirishima: we don't know if Bakugou is gay!

Asui: kero, Cmon Kirishima really?

Kirishima: What? Him and Jirou seem to be pretty damn close.

Koda: ah so it was jelousy.

Kirishima: shush! I just, I want to know if something is going on between them...

Asui: trust me nothing is, it seems obvious Jirou has a crush on Kaminari

Kirishima: But she always rejects him!

Koda: that's it tho, I think she just doesn't want to get hurt, Kaminari is quite an... interesting and... for lack of a better word horny, guy, I think she just doesn't want to be used.

Kirishima: I guess that makes sense, she's worried Kaminari doesn't actually have a crush on her.

Koda: yeah

Asui: so Kirishima why did u make this chat?

Kirishima: figured we could talk about/ thirst over our crushes here.

Koda: ok can I start?

Asui: feel free

Koda: ok so like Sato is so frocking cute like uwu he bakes so much and he always wants me to taste his treats to make sure it tastes good, and of course it always does and he always wears this apron that says "kiss the cook" and I really want to uwu

Kirishima: AWWW domestic

Koda: But then he gets super hot after baking because being around so much sugar makes it hard for him to control his quirk and so he takes his shirt off and ABS Oml I wanna lick them and like not to be horny but like I would definitely let him bend me over the counter right after he's just made me a cake and duck me uwu

Kirishima: holy shit

Asui: here u was thinking Kirishima was going to be the thirstiest in this chat

Kirishima: can we acknowledge that he didn't even swear once during that.

Asui: acknowledged

Koda: #>_<#

Asui: can I go next?

Kirishima: go ahead.

Asui: ok so like Uraraka is so precious and beautiful and she blushes so much and it's so pretty and her hair is so soft, kero, and I just wanna cuddle with her and squeeze her so tightly and watch her curl up and fall asleep, snoring softly as I take my hand through her hair and kiss her on her head and call her my girlfriend and watch Harry Potter. However, on the other hand I don't wanna go into details but like, have you seen my tongue? I wanna make her moan my name over and over.

Kirishima: wow that's a lot

Koda: well we don't have anyone to rant to, Yknow? Cuz we can't exactly say all of this to our best friends can we?

Kirishima: true

Asui: ur turn Kirishima, I need fanfic inspiration so make it interesting.

Kirishima: MINA? Is that u??

Asui: fuck off

Koda: •o•

Kirishima: anyways, so I don't know why I feel for Bakugou, he has always been so inspiring and amazing in my eyes, it was only a few days ago I realised I have a crush on him, but I think subconsciously that I always have, just the way I've thought about him... and I realised it's pretty gay to Jack off to another guy... but the thing is that I would go on dates with other people, but it just didn't work, my mind would always travel back to Bakugou, and when I thought Uraraka might like him before I knew she was gay I couldn't help getting upset, I just like him so much, I might even be in love with him. And the other day I saw him shirtless and I swear I almost kissed him then and there, like he is so hot, I want to fuck him so hard he screams my name so loud the whole school hears and knows how submissive I can make him.

Asui: holy shit u just wrote the next 13 chapters of my Kiribaku fan fic thanks

Koda: I always thought out of you two you would bottom just because of how aggressive Bakugou is but you just changed my mind...

Kirishima: did I go a bit too far?

Asui: not even a little, gtg write.

Koda: I'm going to see if Sato is done making cupcakes

Kirishima: bye



Should I make Kamisero in this? Like Kamijirou doesn't work out or something?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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